Does the UNOfFICIAL sp4 for xp will install ALL of the updates?

I normally stay FAR away from Softpedia, but this time they came in handy. Here is a description from their site for SP4 v3.1b:

"The package integrates .NET framework versions from 1.0 to 4.0 (including DirectX for Managed code in .NET 3.5), MSXML40 SP3, Adobe Flash Player (updated until May 2014), Internet Explorer 8, Windows Media Player 11, XPS Viewer EP, IMAPIv2, Remote Desktop Connection Client 7.0, Windows Search 4.0, Windows Rights Management Client, Windows Installer 4.5, the QFECheck tool (which you can use to verify that the hotfixes were correctly installed) and November 2013 Revoked roots and Root certificates."

For multimedia on my PC I normally forgo WMP9 completely; I use a combination of VLC Media Player 1.1.11 and Winamp 2.79 (which works wonders on my P4--flawless MP3/WAV playback, and I can watch YouTube videos through VLC with no problems). WMP9 was the last version of Windows Media Player I liked, and the last one that I will even think about using.
Far and away. WMP10 was also fairly solid, but I don't care for WMP11 at all. Not one bit. WMP9 was the last time MS hit it 'on the nose.'
I did for a while, but went back to WMP9. WMP10 runs stable, but there aren't enough meaningful differences between it and WMP9 to justify choosing it over WMP9. WMP9 uses less RAM and works better on older PCs. Interestingly, it's also the last version that'll work on 98SE.
I did for a while, but went back to WMP9. WMP10 runs stable, but there aren't enough meaningful differences between it and WMP9 to justify choosing it over WMP9. WMP9 uses less RAM and works better on older PCs. Interestingly, it's also the last version that'll work on 98SE.

does nine rip cds in lossless
Have you considering installing VLC Media Player (current version) to replace Windows Media Player?

A clean install of Windows XP SP3 will update it to April 2008.
A follow-up install of the Unofficial SP4 package will update it to April 2014.