Does anyone knows to detect Glupteba virus on win-xp

Does anyone knows how to detect Glupteba virus (Epicnet inc / Cloudnet virus) on win-xp ?

Can Malwarebytes / HitmanPro detects & remove Glupteba?

Does anyone knows, what kind of virus that using svhost to send "some information" in/out to ip using port 5355.
Sometimes using ICMP to send in/out to ip

Please advice me

Hi, thanks for the advice. But the virus still remain after checked with malwarebytes.

I try to detect with "comodo av" - check connection, there is a suspect connection that always try to send "something" to ip using udp or icmp when i turn on internet connection.
This is sending via svchost ( windows o/s )
It will try to send every 2 seconds if failed, that will make resources exhausted on this pc (slowly).

Maybe can someone advice me using Farbar Recovery Scan Tools?
