Does anyone have experience installing Win XP Pro and or OEM from a USB flash drive?

I started a new topic because as usual my last one lost focus! I am looking for someone who has experience installing Windows XP pro and or OEM from a USB flash drive. I am NOT looking for someone who can google my problem and point me to the links on the internet, I am well able to do this on my own! My problem deals directly with Windows XP Professional install from USB flash drive to a HP compaq d220 MT with no hardware other than a blank 80 gb ntfs formatted hard drive and an 8gb USB flash drive. No SATA, all IDE, nothing fancy. I am not interested in the HP support site, which I have read every article on this. I have searched all the forums over the last 3 months so unless its something newer than Oct. 14th 2014 I have already read it and it hasn't worked! It will load all the files but gives me the BSOD with the generic message about windows shutting down to prevent damage. It has loaded the OS on other HP computers and even a gateway. The exact error code on the blue screen is STOP: 0x0000007b, (oxf7a21524,oxcooooo34, 0x00000000, 0x00000000) I am quite able to google that myself and look at the information so once again I am looking for someone who actually has experience with this specific issue! I get the same results with the CD that came with the computer so please don't tell me to maybe contact HP to purchase another copy of the disk from them! That is not a helpful answer. Please remember to stay on focus with my topic, it's not about dell, mac, linux, windows vista or anything other than what I have posted. I am looking for someone who has actually had this problem and solved it. Not a researcher. If you don't have any knowledge on the subject please do not post just to be heard.
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If you don't have any knowledge on the subject please do not post just to be heard.

hello 5 years latter

I love your attitude, sometimes i think the whole idea of MS was to "Mission Drift" and/to escape reality, its a addiction called DID, you should google.

Any case, I was in almost same position as you, but info was on a CD-r or three.
I gave up and took machine to a cheap repair shop.

they got the programs on my computer, BUT LOST MY COPY, then said i was rude for being hotly disappointed they lost my property . this program down load it turned out way beyond anything i want to do at home.
some older pcs will not boot from a usb for installing xp, My dell dimension 3000 will not, it will boot to hiren's or memtest or several others, but not an xp install flash drive, something to do with a PE environment.
It's odd that you can boot Hiren's but not XP install - what too did you use to create the USB install CD? I have used Rufus 2.5 in Windows XP to create a bootable USB XP installer from a Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 ISO I have. I was able to install it from the USB on to a Compaq Presario V2000 much older than your Dell.

On legacy PC's if your BIOS doesn't support booting from USB then it simply won't boot anything. The fact that you can boot Hiren's from USB leads me to believe the tool used to create the installable USB didn't work properly. Download Rufus 2.5 from here and try it out.

Another tool I rely on regularly for bootable USB is Easy2Boot. Once you allow it to format your USB drive you merely copy your bootable ISO files to the _ISO/MAINMENU subdirectory and you're off to the races!

You now have a bootable flash drive that lets you choose which ISO to boot from! The menu is created automatically from the filenames.

Here is an actual screenshot of the 8GB flash drive I boot from that I use regulary as a swiss army knife:


No more carrying around a CD case with all my bootable CDs.

It also supports Windows installer images although I haven't tried preferring my always reliable RUFUS which has allowed me to install XP, 7 and 10 from USB.
I used rufus to make a bootable thumb for the latest Mint Mate iso,(19,x,x). worked just fine. Then I tried to do the same with XP-64 iso. Rufus said some of the files in the iso were compressed, & it would not do the installation/creation. What is that about?

if you read the thread above, I spent many days creating isos on a flash drive with rufus, but my 3000 does not support booting from a usb for an xp install.

cornmuse: I use an old version of rufus, 1.2 and 1.1.6 to create bootable xp install flash drives for laptops. Maybe you need to try one of these, rufus always works with these versions, the later versions always give me errors. :)
if you read the thread above, I spent many days creating isos on a flash drive with rufus, but my 3000 does not support booting from a usb for an xp install.
Ugh. Few things worse than a spiteful PC. I see flashing the BIOS didn't help. Luckily my Dell Inspiron 400 doesn't have this problem and can boot from USB easily. Even the oldest laptop I own, a Compaq EVO N410c allowed me to install XP from USB. The only issues I run into are some machines are UEFI which require RUFUS to format the USB for that purpose.

I used rufus to make a bootable thumb for the latest Mint Mate iso,(19,x,x). worked just fine. Then I tried to do the same with XP-64 iso. Rufus said some of the files in the iso were compressed, & it would not do the installation/creation. What is that about?

I have only used RUFUS for Windows installs and to make a UEFI bootable Acronis 2019 USB.

I installed Lubuntu 18.10 x64 from USB with Easy2Boot - If your PC is BIOS then copy the ISO to _ISO/MAINMENU on the flash drive after formatting with Easy2Boot. Give it a shot and let us know how it works. Easy2Boot also supports UEFI but I haven't tried because there's a special process for converting the ISO files involved.