Does anybody remember what folders could not be shared with Simple file sharing?

Hey guys

There was a brief period of time my entire C drive was shared, and was wondering what folders were accessible?
I've read that maybe the Documents and Settings folder was inaccessible. Is that correct? (This is simple file sharing on XP home)
Yes. It is possible to share all folders from what I remember. I forget how you share the ones you want however when I did it I was able to share the folders I wanted and not just the documents etc.

I would read through above document as there are various folders and files that you can have shared.

or read through several articles from the below search page


I have always had this turned off on my xp pro pc because I have never wanted anyone to be able to access my pc. :)

Most of the sources say you can't share Documents and Settings,

I brought this up to somebody else that said "Perhaps you couldn't share C:\Documents and Settings, but you could share C:\Documents and Settings\kurt2121 or just all of C:\ "

Does that even make any sense?
Levels 1, 2, and 3 folders are available only to a user who is logging on locally. Users who log on locally include a user who logs on to a Windows XP Professional-based computer from a Remote Desktop (RDP) session.

according to the first link (microsoft knowledge document) you can access my documents if you are logged in remotely from a xp pro pc.

do you mean that you want to access them from a different pc??


Level 1: My Documents (Private)
The owner of the file or folder has read and write permission to the file or folder. Nobody else may read or write to the folder or the files in it. All subfolders that are contained in a folder that is marked as private remain private unless you change the parent folder permissions.

also from the first link in previous reply.......

therefore if you want anyone to have access to your documents then place them in a folder on the C; drive or in any folder that is accessible.
according to the first link (microsoft knowledge document) you can access my documents if you are logged in remotely from a xp pro pc.

do you mean that you want to access them from a different pc??


also from the first link in previous reply.......

therefore if you want anyone to have access to your documents then place them in a folder on the C; drive or in any folder that is accessible.

Its not really the documents folder I'm worried about, its the Documents and Settings folder where all internet history is stored for every user. I am not sure if all of that was made available or not if the c drive was shared.
If internet history is not cleared when you get off the internet, then the history is still available from the browser.