display issue on an old XP laptop PLEASE HELP

I have a Dell Latitude D620 running windows XP (not sure if I can get more specific with this one.) The computer is running programs perfectly, I can hear Skype go off and other things. But the display is whack. The other day I tried hooking it up to a vizio TV via a VGA cable on the TV's RGB input. I messed with a lot of setting but I couldn’t get the TV to display correctly. Finally by checking extends my desktop to this monitor on the display setting windows. I was able to get an image but it was really bright and it seemed like it was at a lower color quality. I tried updating drivers, changing the color quality on both the monitors, and selecting some "color management file", I’m not quite sure what those are but I thought it'd be worth a try; however it didn’t seem to fix anything. Eventually I ended up messing up the display on the original laptop monitor. Like the TV it seemed it was in a lower color quality. it was messed up, so naturally I let the window that said it would revert back in 15 seconds or whatever run out, but whenever the timer ran out it didn’t change back... now I’m stuck with a monitor that displays mostly white, some light blue, some black where SOME text is, NO OUTLINES for any windows. SOME green for the desktop and some icons, for the most part I can't even see my cursor. when I really try I can get back to the settings window and try to change my resolution and color quality, the thing is it started out saying it was in 8-bit, so I changed it to 32-bit and applied it. Now whenever I check again it says 32-bit still but nothing has changed. Please help, this is honestly the first major computer problem I’ve ran into, I've managed to fix lot's problems with past computers but this one makes no sense to me. I really need some help here. I'd even be happy if I could reset it to factory defaults or something, so long as I can keep the XP operating system. I don't care if I have to lose all my files I just need the computer, I rely on it for schoolwork, gaming and communicating with friends. I need this problem to be fixed ASAP please help, thank you very much in advance.
you should be able to see cursor in safe mode, and/or do a system restore to a point before you started messing around.

note: always create a system restore point before making changes. :)

Hello from Aunty Jack,

To my sometimes addled mind it seems the video driver/s are, ummm, in the words from The Blues Brothers (fakacta).

Intel 945GM Graphics Controller, v., A05
R153830.EXE | Hard-Drive (15 MB)


Intel 945GM Graphics Controller, v., A03
R135765.EXE | Hard-Drive (4 MB)

These are at:- http://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/19/product-support/product/latitude-d620/drivers

They are specific to the Dell Latitude 620 and the XP Operating system.

You may have tried them, I don't know. I have an old Dell Optiples GX270 and any driver I need I can obtain from the Dell Product Support site. Some are third party but, most importantly, they work.

Good luck,

Aunty Jack.
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