Display issue after repair & XP reinstall

I was happily running Windows XP on a Dell computer for years, no problems until last fall when I started getting BSOD that prevented startup. I assumed the repair shop (the only one in the area that still works with XP) would just replace the hard drive and reinstall XP, but it turned out the motherboard also had some issues so they ended up giving me a new(er) Gigasys (sp?) machine with a clean XP install. I used Legacy Update to get it up to SP3.

The main problem I now have is the display, my monitor is rectangular and the display is stretched, and it makes the game playing and desktop publishing I use it for pretty difficult. The only display option is changing resolution but that just makes things smaller and shifts the display off the left side of the monitor. There is no option that I can find to change the aspect ratio, as my old machine did. I tried to do the automatic video driver update but the system found none. Device Manager shows the video adapter as not found. Repair place says the problem is in my monitor, another shop says it’s the video card but they no longer work on anything to do with an unsupported OS.

I’m at a loss, is it the video card? Monitor? Since the programs I use this for all need a correct video display, it’s fairly useless to me as is. Is there anything else I should be trying or looking at? Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
have you looked in device manager to see if any yellow exclamation points show a needed driver?

what is the make, model of the computer?
Yes, there ‘s one by VGA controller. Thst’s why I tried to update through Windiws Updates, but it didn’t find any. It also gives me no identifying information on the video card, which is probably why it didn’t find a driver.

I only know the maker of the case and the motherboard is Gigabite. There is no model number I can find. I suspect it was a custom build the shop maybe took in as a trade in, they do that.
that is going to be really hard to find a driver, I do not have a vga controller in my device manager, I have a graphics controller, you might have to download several different drivers and install one at a time to see if you can get the full xp function.

you will have to install, restart, if it works good, if not uninstall, restart and then try the next one.
DriverPack is a great idea, maybe it's a new version that needs .NET ? my copies don't (version 17) they're simply .7z compressed.
To find the video card make and model manually (in device manager), follow the screenshots at www.devicehunt.com
DriverPack is a great idea, maybe it's a new version that needs .NET ? my copies don't (version 17) they're simply .7z compressed.
To find the video card make and model manually (in device manager), follow the screenshots at www.devicehunt.com

They are compressed but there's an executable that scans your hardware and install the drivers for you. It works really well most of the time. I've only had 2 issues.

1- It hangs at the end. If I see that there's no cpu or hard activity for a while I just restart.

2- Sometimes if you use it on a laptop that has an Nvidia or AMD card it can make a mistake on installing the correct video driver because it tries to use desktop drivers which are not exactly the same. Intel videocards work fine.