Disabling Autoplay and Autorun on Windows XP Pro SP3

Hi all

I googled regarding Disabling Autorun,
and found an explanation about Autoplay andAutorun being 2 different things.
I must admit I was not aware of that.

In any case, there was an explanation regarding how to Disable Autoplay:

Start->Run, and Enter: gpedit.msc
In the Tree on the left, Choose: Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\

In the List on the Right Side, DoubleClick "Turn Off Autoplay",
and Set:
1) Enabled
2) Turn Off Autoplay on: "All Drives".
Press OK.

I did it.
I also repeated it in User Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\,
just in case, despite the fact that Computer Configuration is stronger than User Configuration.

So I assume that now Autoplay is handled.

Do I need to do something separate for Autorun?

Thank you very much
just out of interest why would you not want xp to auto play cds, mps, movies and alike ? some old games need the auto play to start from disk also the auto run just have to keep going through extra items to get to the same result anyhow gl
long live xp:)