Disable Services

Hello from Aunty Jack,

This is probably very old well known info but this is what the Services (automatic, manual, disabled) looks like in my XP setup. If this helps someone, great.

Cheers from Auntie Jack in the great land of OZ (Australia).
Hello again from Aunty Jack,

I obviously made a blooper trying to attach/upload the screen shots. I will try again until I get it right.

Cheers, Aunty Jack.
Aunty Jack do not use the quick reply box to attach, on the left there is a post reply button and this reply box has the attachment icon.
Also, I find it is better to convert the text to a .jpg then use a file sharing site such as TinyPic to get a net address for it, then post that address as an
Hello again from Aunty Jack,

I will try again to attach screen pics of how my Services (automatic/delayed start/manual/disabled looks. It works for me but might not work for others so try at your own risk.

Cheers, Aunty Jack.


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    Screen Shot 09-03-14 at 09.50 PM.jpg
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    Screen Shot 09-03-14 at 09.46 PM.jpg
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    Screen Shot 09-03-14 at 09.48 PM.jpg
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I can see the Thumbnails but they are too small to see any details.

This is my current services setup.

Mine is designed for a stand alone machine, cable internet, sharing connection. Printer, DVD ect. Normal selection of software.

I saved mine using Open office Word. The took a screen shot of each page and pasted them together using a graphics program. Finally I saved as .jpg. These I uploaded to a file sharing site, tinypics, copied the address, posted here using the Insert Image facility.
