Desktop icons do not work

None of my desktop icons are working. I can get to whatever site I want all right, however I need to type in the name in a URL box. The URL box that comes up is always the last site I have been to.
Thank you for any input you can give to me.

First ensure that your pc is clean, what is your current antivirus??

what other scanners do you have installed??

Download, install, update and do full scan with these free malware detection programs:

Malwarebytes Free (MBAM):

SUPERAntiSpyware: (SAS):

Remove all found, reboot, and run again until scans run clean, these can be removed afterwards if you so choose. Run scans one at a time, please.


Please try the following link to Doug Knox's web site and run the fix for
..LNK Files:

above from here
