Dead USB Flash Drive

1. My name is Ron and I am a Mac user.
2. I have a WinXP machine that does one job - it runs a Harlequin RIP
3. That RIP requires a USB dongle (license is on the dongle) that is always connected to the machine.
4. That USB flash drive died yesterday. My production workflow died with it. (for the want of a nail the war was lost)
5. The option was suggested that I reinstall the driver on that drive and that this might fix it.

Question: How do I install a driver on a USB drive (that fails to mount) in WinXP?

PS: Please see #1. I know NOTHING about this computer - I turn it on in the morning and run the RIP software and turn it off at night - and have done this for ten years. Treat me like a total noob.

And thank you for your time.
You don't install the driver on the USB, you install it on your hard drive.

You could try this (from
Insert a Windows XP CD into your XP computer. Then open Command Prompt (Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt) and type "sfc/ scannow" without the quotes, followed by pressing Enter. This will reinstall any generic drivers that have been corrupted.

If you still can't fix your problem, let me know and I'll walk you through some more advanced stuff. If you do get it fixed, remember to back it up next time. I learned the hard way too. o_O