Customize Registry on ISO


i created an ISO off my Windows XP Professional Disc, so i can Customize it, for that , i need to Customize the Registry, so if i Install XP, i don't have to do that manually after the Installation Process. I don't know how and if this is Possible?Can anyone help?
I never thought that it was possible to customize the registry editor files with an ISO CD. How do you do that? Did you install any third party software or drivers to make an ISO CD?
I think I've done this before in nLite.

If you create a .REG file listing the registry changes, and then add it via the "RunOnce" tab of the Unattended section in nLite... wouldn't that work...?
I have heard on a YouTube video once that it is possible to slipstream all service packs and other updates such as .NET FrameWork updates to a Windows XP Professional .iso image file using Command Prompt.
I have heard on a YouTube video once that it is possible to slipstream all service packs and other updates such as .NET FrameWork updates to a Windows XP Professional .iso image file using Command Prompt.

Probably easier to use nLite, though?

I've used nLite to slipstream SP3, .NET v1.1 and .NET v3.5 (which is backwards compatible with v2.x), IE8, WMP11, and all subsequent hotfixes into an XP Pro ISO.
What I've done is set up xp how I like it, then imaged it using clonezilla and then can replicate that install to any system that will boot it. Usually the video driver is what will mess it up, but you can go into safe mode and fix that and then boot.