Custom resolutions

Does anyone know how to add custom resolutions to XP? My moniter has a native resolution of 1920x1080 pixels, but XP doesn't have it listed in the display properties.
see attach: mine can go up to a higher number, but I do not use it I like 1024x728, when you go to display/settings, where is the slider positioned? mine is pretty far to the left so that I can get the setting I want, but I can slide it further right for higher resolution, and it shows it in the display/settings/advanced for the intel graphic settings box.


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Mine doesn't go up quite that high (top is 1280x1024). I have it at 1280x768 because that is the highest widescreen resolution listed. I was thinking that there might be a file somewhere that I could edit to add custom resolutions.
Sorry it took me so long to check this.
My computer is a Dell Dimension 3000, otherwise I wouldn't have asked for your drivers, since they wouldn't have worked.
Thanks a lot for the link.