Custom install?

I have gotten a retail version of XP Pro SP3, and my custom-build will soon be ready to do install on blank HDD...I think this is called a 'clean install'. Been looking over the site, and want to either prevent install of:

1.client for microsoft networks
2.file and print sharing for microsoft networks

or failing that, completely uninstall both post-installation. The instructions Gibson Research gave were not newbie-intelligible, so I hope someone here can simplify/dum-it-down for me!
Nlite is an excellent tool, but quite complicated to use. It needs some pre-study and planning before you use it.

Download it and read their documentation. Below are images of each of the screens you will be presented with, though within several of these are sub-screens.

Make sure you have all the various bits its asks for, before you start.

Do a dry run of the program. Nlite is free so can be used over and over.

I'm going to be honest with you, I haven't actually made an Nlite image myself yet, simply because getting the GA from M$ seems to mean using phoning them on an international number.

Instead, I simply turned off most of the services which I don't need. I can then turn these back on again, as I need to. I'd like to try an Nlite install, but don't have a spare HD to use at this time.

Tell us how you get on.


for a custom install of xp, you want to use nlite, read the following and post back with any questions:
main, requirements, and 3 parts guide for using nlite
forums, read all the pinned threads, to see if they apply to you
definitely read these faq’s

I am nearly ready to do custom install using nlite and XPLite. Been researching what to rip out for quite awhile, but want to make sure nothing has slipped by me. I wish to jettison all components enabling any sort of remote access, that are not absolutely required for XP Pro to function. Any advice on what all I need to terminate is welcomed.

you can read above but I do not know what specifics need to be removed

above is also helpful advice on what can be removed

First I should mention that I found out that nLite requires .NET, which I absolutely do not want want on my PC, so either I cannot use nLite, or I will have to accept .NET long enough to employ nLite, then use XPLite to jettison .NET. Not sure how (or if) this would work. As for specifics, ultimately I wish to cut XP Pro down, similar to:

I also want to severely limit the install of individual items in Service Packs 1, 2, and 3.

As mentioned, my first and foremost targets are client for microsoft networks, file and print sharing, and anything that would allow remote access to my PC...if all else fails, I want to accomplish at least this.

Thanks for the two links. Never saw them before. Definitely both belong in my reference binder!
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my one drive has a .net file labeled 1 cleanup, that you can download and it will remove all .net installed.

.net is needed for nlite to produce a slimmed ISO, but is not needed in the ISO.

I am not sure that you can pick and choose what to install on the service packs, since they come as a pack.


read through above also, as xp is set up to share files with all parts of xp, there are some things you cannot cut as they are required for other things, read above or better yet, you might just want to go with a linux os instead of xp. :)