Cursor jumping around by itself, menus popping up...

My cursor jumps all over and different menus keep popping open on my desktop by themselves. If I'm playing a game it just keeps jerking around all over the screen. What the heck can I do to make it stop? I've tried system restore so many times I doubt if I can ever get all my stuff back! After a restore it's okay for maybe a day and then it starts again. I'm pretty sure this is a virus or some spyware, but I can't find any help for this anywhere, and I've looked, believe me! Please, please, please, please, please... somebody tell me how to make it stop. :confused: I'm running a Dell XPS 630i, and the chances of me getting a DX diag off of it are iffy because of the way it takes over my cursor. There is no internet connection on it. I'm using another computer to write this.
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Elizabeth, thanks for the reply and suggestions. No internet connection now but a few years ago there was, however it ran fine for a couple of years without an internet connection before this started. I did use a flash drive shortly before this started and I when this started shortly after I used it I suspected it had a virus on it, but I'm unable to even find any info on any virus that does that particular thing so I'm not sure. I'm not going to plug that flash drive into my working computer and risk infecting it too so I don't know how else to find out for sure. I still have the suspect flash drive but don't know how to check it. Do you know what virus it might be so I can see if I can find a fix for it?
First, you should have the os disable autoplay, there was an update that did this but you can do it through the registry, and then when you plug it in it will not open automatically and you can scan it with your antivirus before opening it.

Turn off Autoplay and autorun:

1. HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
2. If necessary create a dword called NoDriveTypeAutoRun
3. Set the dword thus:NoDriveTypeAutoRun = 000000FF
4. A value of 000000FF (decimal 255) disables AutoRun on all drives.
5. Refer to the above table, and use a Hexadecimal calculator to compute the most suitable value for your machine.
6. There is no need to logoff; the NoDriveTypeAutoRun setting should take effect straightaway

Click Start, click Run, typeGpedit.msc in the Open box, and then click OK. Under Computer Configuration, expand Administrative Templates, and then click System. In the Settings pane, right-click Turn off Autoplay, and then click Properties. Note In Windows 2000, the policy setting is named Disable Autoplay.

I also have 360 total security essential installed as my antivirus and if will scan all usb's when plugged in and let you know if it is infected.


have you tried a new mouse?? at the dell link I gave you in my last reply there is a diagnostic for the mouse, did you try it??

could be a corrupted driver

read in one thread that the surface on which the mouse rides could cause this.

and tell me does the same problem occur in safe mode???