CPU Usage running at 100% (with no programs running)

Newbie here!

I'm just trying to figure out why my computer is running so slow. Its been running between 50% and 100% without any programs/browsers running. (or at least i don't think any are running. i've heard sometimes programs can be running in the background which can slow performance).

not sure if this will heIp, but i've been monitoring the Processes and here's what's been chewing up all of the usage:
System Idle Process : 50
compatibilitycheck.exe : 25
winlogon.exe : 25

I'm still using Windows XP (don't laugh). I know my computer is getting older but, I'm not ready to get rid of it just yet.

I've already done some of the basic maintenance, ie: removed unused programs, disk clean up, defrag.

thank you in advance for any help you may provide. please keep in mind that i'm not very computer saavy. please explain what i should do thoroughly. much appreciated.

System Idle Process : 50

the larger the system idle the better, this means exactly what it says IDLE, there is nothing going on


what is your current antivirus??

run a full scan and insure that your antivirus is updated, then run this scan removing all found and run again until scan comes clean:

Malwarebytes Free (MBAM): http://www.malwarebytes.org/products/

once pc is clean, we can work on making it faster.
the larger the system idle the better, this means exactly what it says IDLE, there is nothing going on


what is your current antivirus??

run a full scan and insure that your antivirus is updated, then run this scan removing all found and run again until scan comes clean:

Malwarebytes Free (MBAM):

once pc is clean, we can work on making it faster.

I actually don't have any antivirus running. i'll take your advice and get back to you.

thanks for your help.