Copy Wizard Refuses To Recognize A Clean Cdr In Tray

HI XP HOLD OUTS, good for your holding on to your machines, for me only a fool runs out the door every couple of years to buy a new machine, that as always is too crude for common use, and demands hours of life stealing time re learning, if this stuff ever works easily it is from folks like us
demanding a user fast experience.

As one can read all over the net, with little cure to fix, most of this junk often fails to just copy a file, movie or picture to a blank CDR.

I can chose a file, it will go to "ready to write to CD" but when i push "Copy to CD" wizard says there is not a writable disk in tray even tho I just slid one in.

Since there is nothing user friendly about these machines, like a insert and record selected button,
I have gone threw a endless """heres a candle, go down into the submarine, you'll find mens :eek::eek::eek:r oom in the back end of the boat quest" ---PATHETIC:eek::eek:. with out losing a whole day of my life again, is there a program or anything that fixes this program, that should have never been released on the world of nice humans with real things to do????

PS this kind of talk is called adult.

thank you :):):):)to anyone who can help me over come this
That did not work, but thanks for trying, I think i must have changed something fooling with it.

the box I now get when i pick D drive tray to record on says
windows encountered a problem when trying to copy this file
what do you want windows to to?

then the only choice is the cancel button, this is for D Drive, which shows as full of god knows what under properties, zero room Etc.
if you have 2 drives can you only use one at a time for recording???

Sorry i can not explain better, cause all i can think is "Why was this machine ever put on the market only 1 /3rd finished" for consumer use.

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OK i seem to be able to record to the "E Drive" it will load a file then open WMP and as me to insert a disk to record on, but i did not as to not waste a disk.

D drive seems to read as full, with the windows encountered a problem and cant copy this disk stuff, how do you empty it ?? what is it full of??
a cd r cannot be written over nor can it be erased.

a cd rw can be erased and rewritten.

okay, then let's restart your pc and run checkdisk

How to perform checkdisk

if you do not have Recovery Console installed, then run from the start menu

go to start, run, type in cmd

in cmd type in chkdsk c: /r and press enter

type Y for yes and press enter

type exit and press enter

restart pc, allow checkdisk to finish and run again

this is a lengthy process depending on the size of your harddrive, the percentages will fluctuate, this is normal, you can view report in the event viewer.

go to start>run> and type in eventvwr.msc, click on the applications directory, and in the right hand panel choose winlogon.
thanks Elizabeth, you have the patience of the saints, I am roaring busy today but will start this tonight, I just wanted to drop a thank you in here to you for helping.
I will be back soon to tell you what it says THANKS AGAIN


I just went to c drive, hit prop and selected tools, then disc clean, set xp to disc check, restarted, came back it was done, went to D drive, which is my new cd-dvd drive, went properties, record tab, turned it on, sent file to d drive, it accepted the blank disc and put file on CD-R.

What do you think was wrong

QUESTION-- I have 2 cd-dvd players in my xp, it seems only one at a time can be set to record or take a image????

ALSO is there a way to watch a public domain movie on one player and record it to the other


yes, I have two also and only one can be set to record at a time.

I have never recorded a movie or watched one from the disc drives so I do not know, you might post a new question and ask this as others may be able to help you. :)
XP refusing to copy again

When i put mp4 files in the whatever its called to copy to disk, ""Que???""and click "Copy to disk" from the blue options box---it says "can not copy files" then gives two options

try again or delete or something.
I just copied an mp4 file to my cd rw with no problems, and it played fine on media player classic.

the blue options box is I assume the tasks box?
I did that to see if I could duplicate any error, but it worked fine, even right clicking and choosing send to, cd drive D: worked.

is the cd full? is it a cdr or a cdrw? did you make sure the recording tab was activated?
Hi Elizabeth, very happy your xp works!!

mine is broke again, using a clean CD-R I can play a cd, hit rip in WMP, it will rip it, ask for empty disc, accept disk
and spit out wav file cd.

But i did as you said, hit properties on the DVD drive, reset allow copy, that worked once only,

1 now I can send nothing to the drive and get it to recognize a clean disc.
the files will go there, but drive wizard refuses to think a cdr is even there to record them on, even after properties, recording off on reset.

2. if I am playing a stored music file, and hit "burn now playing" i can drag all songs to the burn list, but it will only record the first song "Now Playing" while in the right side burn list, I have to play every song for a second to create a time at the end in the right side burn list, once every song is "timed" by playing it for a few seconds only then will all songs on the burn list transfer to a CDR, this is all music from my church of course.

THIS ISSUE IS HUGE of will not recognize CDR is reported all over the net, everybody wants to know how to fix this CD drive will not recognize blank CD-R issue.

thanks for your help,

thank you Elizabeth, I did a disc check and did not read any event anything, doesn't the disc check program tell you if something is wrong
it is mostly a check to see if your hard drive is failing.

I am stumped, Jim, Most of the fixes work and I do not know why they are not working for you. do you have 2 cd drives? have you switched their positions to see if that might work? other than using a 3rd party to burn your cds, I can not think of anything else to recommend. this once happened to me, I put about 10 different brand new cds in until it finally recognized one, :)
I want to thank:):):) the forum for helping with this, but i am still not at a sane
on or off switch point to make a mp4 recording to disk.

does anyone know a safe OPEN WARE program that over rides bills night mare,
and just does it.

also should films be recorded as data or music
did you install imgburn? that can create data discs or any discs.

not sure but I would think a film would be recorded as video. ?
ST. ELIZABETH patron saint of endless patience.

imgburn looks like a good program, thank you, and Major geeks says no open candy.

your method of hit properties and turning off and on recording often works,

I am looking for flick a switch efficiency.

thanks again