Control Panel Error Message

My HD crashed recently on my Dell 755 desktop, so I was forced to install XP Pro again onto a replacement drive.

Now when I open Control Panel, the functions show in list view with two columns, Name (showing icons and name) and Comments. I cannot change the view to anything else.

Also when I click on Add or Remove Programs, I get a Parser Message saying "Value creation failed " at line 451". I can still uninstall programs/apps using CCleaner, but I would like to get Control Panel working properly.

Can any one shed some light on how to resolve this?

Thanks in advance,

Peter B.
what media did you use to reinstall xp??

did you install on a sata or ide drive?

are you 32bit or 64bit??

what steps did you follow to do a clean install?

did you install all the dell drivers in the proper order??
In response to your questions:

Installed from disc.
New Sata drive.
32 bit system
Brand new formatted hard Drive.
All Dell drivers installed in the correct order.

Peter B.
xp cannot install on a sata drive without a sata controller, which has to be installed from a floppy disk or with the sata controller slipstreamed into the cd with nlite.

have you ever done a clean install ??

was the old drive ide or sata??

you can go to dell and the website has the option to let dell scan your system and then tell you what is missing.

you should also run checkdisk with the /r parameter
How to perform checkdisk

if you do not have Recovery Console installed, then run from the start menu

go to start, run, type in cmd

in cmd type in chkdsk c: /r and press enter

type Y for yes and press enter

type exit and press enter

restart pc, allow checkdisk to finish and run again

this is a lengthy process depending on the size of your harddrive, the percentages will fluctuate, this is normal, you can view report in the event viewer.
go to start>run> and type in eventvwr.msc, click on the applications directory, and in the right hand panel choose winlogon.

Hi Elizabeth, In reply to your last post questionnns and comment indicated below by *

* xp cannot install on a sata drive without a sata controller, which has to be installed from a floppy disk or with the sata controller slipstreamed into the cd with nlite.

The 755 was built by Dell with an OEM 300GB Sata HD which died and was not recoverable.

* have you ever done a clean install ??

The replacement 330 GB HD is also a Sata, it was formatted and a Clean install was done from an installation disc.

* was the old drive ide or sata??

It was an OEM Sata HD, it came that way from the Dell factory. It was a Seagate Model Number ST3300831SCE

* you can go to dell and the website has the option to let dell scan your system and then tell you what is missing.

Dell System detect will not install, may be classified as a PUP. Will not install in safe mode either. It used to run OK on the original HD.

* you should also run checkdisk with the /r parameter


* go to start>run> and type in eventvwr.msc, click on the applications directory, and in the right hand panel choose winlogon.

Here are the results.

Checking file system on C:
The type of the file system is NTFS.

A disk check has been scheduled.
Windows will now check the disk.
Cleaning up minor inconsistencies on the drive.
Cleaning up 71 unused index entries from index $SII of file 0x9.
Cleaning up 71 unused index entries from index $SDH of file 0x9.
Cleaning up 71 unused security descriptors.
CHKDSK is verifying Usn Journal...
Usn Journal verification completed.
CHKDSK is verifying file data (stage 4 of 5)...
File data verification completed.
CHKDSK is verifying free space (stage 5 of 5)...
Free space verification is complete.
CHKDSK discovered free space marked as allocated in the
master file table (MFT) bitmap.
CHKDSK discovered free space marked as allocated in the volume bitmap.
Windows has made corrections to the file system.

102398278 KB total disk space.
11651812 KB in 39536 files.
11532 KB in 4671 indexes.
0 KB in bad sectors.
157690 KB in use by the system.
65536 KB occupied by the log file.
90577244 KB available on disk.

Nothing unusual found with chkdsk.

To sum up so far, all appears OK except that the Dell System Detect will not install, So the Dell tests will not run. :confused:

Peter B.
does control panel come up okay in safe mode??

Control Panel / Tools / Options / General - select 'Show common tasks in folders' and apply. Once you have the view pane back you can 'Switch to classic view' or 'category view' as you please.


above is telling you to put a copy of Shellstyle.dll in the system32 folder as the one there is corrupted.

above is my onedrive I have uploaded this file from my xp system in case you do not have a good copy in your dll cache.


above are instructions on replacing control panel files


if you cannot install the dell system detect, then there is a problem with your install

also you do know that you need .net 4 client profile and .net 4 extended to install the dell program.?



in the above link from my previous reply it shows how device manager should look on the right hand side for each driver, will you check and see that it matches your device manager??

also please state if you have updated to sp3, is an antivirus installed???
Last edited:
does control panel come up okay in safe mode??


above is telling you to put a copy of Shellstyle.dll in the system32 folder as the one there is corrupted.

above is my onedrive I have uploaded this file from my xp system in case you do not have a good copy in your dll cache.

Hi Elizabeth,

I am back in business again. Here is an update. :)

Dell 755 Drive 0: 330GB HD Partitioned and Dual Boot. Drive 1: 1TB for file storage. Drive 2, 3 and 4 external HDs for data storage, 4 TB total external.

Original 300GB Drive 0 crashed and burned, of course I had no clone or image, stupid me. Drive was replaced and XP Pro SP3 and Windows 7 Ultimate installed in the 2 partitions. Win 7 worked better than before, but XP was a bit quirky to say the least. On boot up, if I selected the “Earlier Version of Windows” instead of Win 7, I got two choices of XP, hmmm….

While trying to fix the Add Remove Programs error, I had noticed that there was two folders in Program Files that seemed a bit odd, one was named Windows and the other Windows.0. Another hmmm…

I worked on the error assuming that the “Windows” folder was where the Op Sys resided, a logical choice it seemed. I followed the instructions in KB823768 (BTW I could not access you copy of Shellstyle.dll) and did everything recommended but to no avail.

I also ran sfc scannow, it found some errors but it did not like my Install disc. I tried several other XP install discs too. I came to the conclusion that some time ago when I had given away an older XP PC, I gave away the wrong disc. Try as I may with the KB823768 instructions I could not fix it.

Then a light when on upstairs and with nothing to lose, I did KB823768 on the “Windows.0” folder. Hey presto, as soon as I rebooted, I know something had changed as the Windows wallpaper was gone and the desktop was a lovely pale blue color. Naturally the first thing I tried was to open Control Panel and then to open Add and Remove Programs. There she was looking like butter would not melt in her mouth.

Interestingly the Windows folder is dated 10/30/15, the date the new HD was installed and Windows.0 folder is dated today, 12/5/15. Another hmmm….

I will give the PC a thorough shakedown cruise to make sure all is truly better; then I will figure out how to change the Boot.ini file to remove the one XP selection, then how to deal with the rogue Windows folder. I also need to see if Dell System Detect will now install.

So far, so good.;)

Thanks for your help, I will post back in a few days and let you know how things are.

Best regards, from a cloudy and windy Citrus County, Florida.

Peter B.
okay, a few notes, on a dual boot xp must be installed first and then win 7; and it seems as if you had xp installed over xp or parallel install. if it were me I would reinstall again but if all is working now, I would not.

read thread above might help,

there is a button in msconfig under boot.ini tab where you can check each path in the boot.ini for errors, HOWEVER since you are dual booting and win 7 uses easy bcd or something to control boot I am not sure what to do in this case. :)