Confusion with My Network Places

When I click My Network Places at the top of the list is the drive "acer (c ) Carla Arseneault (carla)". Carla arsenault is the name of the computer.Anyway, It contains all the files of the C drive, which is quite alarming. Its located above Shared Documents file, not in it, then the list goes on to list servers and so on that are on the network.

I dont understand why im seeing it there. Is it actually viewable by anyone on the network?
I tried goin into my computer, right clicking properties, and then security tab where it warns me about the danger of sharing the root of the driver. I click it, and the box that states "share wih other computers on network" or something along those lines is not checked...

Is it just listed there on my local computer, or for everyone to see!?! Perhaps this is there to make it easier to bring stuff to shared documents? Anybody else ever see their c drive on the My network places? Help!!
Some visual help.



Please guys, anybody have any ideas on this?