Command line to run Intel driver installer?

I'm trying to overwrite drivers not intended for my PC with the correct ones. So, I downloaded INF_AllOS_8.3.1.1009_PV_Intel.exe from Intel and read the docs. I've run it twice using different command line configurations. The result is that there are only four replaced .pnf files in Windows/inf (no other known changes), and I still have problems in the Device Manager (can't re-install Universal Serial Bus Controller for example). Specs at bottom of this post.

Assuming I incorrectly ran the Intel installer, my questions:
1- Was I mistaken to run INF_AllOS_8.3.1.1009_PV_Intel.exe with command lines C:\>INF_AllOS_8.3.1.1009_PV_Intel.exe -overall -overide -L 0409 -S and then C:\>INF_AllOS_8.3.1.1009_PV_Intel.exe -A -L 0409 -S?
2- Is there a tutorial somewhere for completely overwriting an incorrect driver set? My PC is basically functioning but I'm pretty sure the Device Manager problems started when I ran the wrong Intel installer.

Mobo - D865GBF
RAM - 4 GB
Bios - BF86510A.86A.0077.P25.0508040031
OS - Win XP Pro SP3

above is a reply to your post at INTEL

you do not need command line to install drivers

from device manager, right click on any driver you want, and choose uninstall and reboot.

Also, what is make, model and model number of your pc?

I have a dell with intel drivers, but cannot get the drivers from intel only from dell, some manufactures diddle with the drivers that are incorporated into their products.

post back with above info.
Thank you for responding.

That's true, which is why I've been using Google for weeks to find the most effective remedy. The Intel reply was problematic: 1-It wasted time reminding me of something that is common knowledge to everyone except newbies and hermits. 2- No one ever said anything about an installation exe being a driver, and 3- Looking over Intel's site reveals there are several versions of infinst_autol.exe. The Intel responder should have known that. I didn't reply because it seemed clear that forum was not going to provide useful information.

I bought an Antec quiet case and had a reliable computer shop custom build the PC in 2004-2005.

Since running the correct driver package has not addressed the Device Manager problems, I'll try the conventional uninstall/reboot procedure (again) and report back with results.
okay, there should be a folder for drivers on the c: drive,

since it is custom built, you will have to go to device manager, and do not let windows search for an update but keep clicking until you can choose from a list to find the manufacturer of the driver you need.
Of the four issues in Device Manager the two easiest are now resolved. I located and installed drivers for an onboard modem (not in use) and the system default audio. It took quite a lot of time because the uninstalled modem driver, for some reason, caused the PC to move at a dead crawl. Tonight I'm going to retrieve specific error messages for the more serious issues; the Universal Serial Bus Controller and a USB card reader. I appreciate your feedback.
The device manager no longer indicates a problem with the Sony card reader. I need to see if it works now when I plug it in.

That leaves the Universal Serial Bus Controller (Intel). In properties I see "The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28) To reinstall the drivers for this device, click Reinstall Driver."

I looked through about 15 search results, of which several applied to my PC/situation. The most frequent advice was to direct the reinstall dialogue to a directory on the PC. Apparently the OS can become disconnected from the driver file. I tried this in several directories (C:\Windows\System32\Drivers, C:\Windows\Inf, etc.) and kept getting the same old "The driver installation file for this device is missing a necessary entry. This may be because the INF was written for Windows 95 or later. Contact your hardware vendor." I copied the inf directory from another XP Pro with the same version and SP3 as mine, and tried using that. I also tried searching my entire system for any with a name like usb.inf (I haven't found the exact name). When I tried directing the re-install dialogue at each of those files (their names vary), I got the same message.

Notice that it says the driver installation file (the .inf) is missing an entry. When I originally Googled this, one guy talked about opening the inf file and finding that the install was looking for some helper file, which had been accidentally renamed on his PC. The problem was solved when he returned the helper file name to its original version. I do know the actual driver file will have a .sys extension, but the .inf is the first step. Anyway this is where I'm at.
I ran the Device Manager re-install for the missing Universal Serial Bus Controller directing it to four different locations, and got the expected error message ea time. However, a check of the Event Viewer did not show any trace of this activity?

I have found a Microsoft page giving me some clues about the file name(s) of the driver I'm looking for. Directing the re-install to those locations didn't help.

I'll next try UN-installing the missing controller and rebooting. Some people have had luck with that.
Well, I do not have that one installed or I could upload the driver to my skydrive.

Have you tried just disable, not uninstall and see what the pc does with it disabled.
That's a pretty good idea, considering that in its current status all my software and hardware seems to work. The whole thing that got this started was the card reader problem, but now it's not showing up in the Device Manager. Of course, when I went looking yesterday for the reader it was not to be found. Saturday I'll have more time. Plugging that in and seeing whether or not it's working normally again will be the final test.

Honestly though the final solution will be in about six months when I replace the motherboard and CPU with something that will accept Windows 7.