Chrome 49 backporting?

I've been jumping browsers for XP for years now, ever since they stopped supporting version 49 it's gotten really really broken.
Just today I didn't realize that adblock not blocking ads on youtube videos was only on 49! When I used Win10, I saw none whatsoever. Trying to install other adblockers for it (or any other extension for that matter) refused to download. Even manually downloading the files and adding them to Chrome wouldn't work!

So here's my question; is there a way to create a special extension that backports a lot of current chrome's stuff like support for certain sound formats or website technologies, so there can be less "cipher mismatch" errors? I can't even access this one on it!
have you tried my pal ? or added duckduck go to chrome

long live xp:)
I use Mypal to access this site in fact. The reason why Mypal isn't my main browser is because on the count of how unstable some sites are like Discord. Discord takes foreeeever to get around and on account that the site will just flicker for no reason. Chrome doesn't have that issue, for what it's worth it's still really fast.

The problem is that a lot of websites simply are not supported by it's outdated code, which is why I have to constantly shift between the two. And now, even Mypal is starting to become outdated because YouTube has some buttons I can't click on.

What's duckduckgo gonna do if I add it to Chrome?
i have no problems with my pal on xp ,duckduckgo on chrome makes it a lot better imo no more hidden rubbish ,safer, its only an add on so if you dont like it remove it ,
also have you updated xp? major geeks or internet archive have many update disk for free ie sp4 which has all the updates needed
long live xp :)
I think I have SP4 installed, I haven't checked it lately. I know that SP 4.5 is completely incompatible with XP so there's basically nothing I can do about it.
Well, I for some reason cannot access certain websites on Chrome because of a "clock error"
despite my computer actually being up to date with them.
and no one else having this issue besides me, can anyone else on XP test this?
the clock error may be down to the battery on the motherboard,easy clip in and out get em from auto stores online i got a card of em cheap at local pound store easy fix

long live xp :)
the clock error may be down to the battery on the motherboard,easy clip in and out get em from auto stores online i got a card of em cheap at local pound store easy fix

long live xp :)
It's only affected on Chrome though, Mypal works just fine
Though I really should get a new battery for my motherboard though