Appreciate any chkdsk tips, especially those that will speed up the various processes.

After watching a number of videos the one that impressed me the most was Tutorial: Repair disk errors - PROPER use of chkdsk
have yet checked how much time it saves so would be interested in comments from more experienced chkdsk users.


I didn't watch the video, but just wanted to pass along my experience. When I decided to upgrade this 7-year-old PC to W10, I decided to run chkdsk first, to search for and repair errors. I have a 1.5 TB HD, -- only about 70GB contains data. I made the mistake of running it on the entire drive, instead of the portion containing data. It took hours to complete the task (it didn't find any errors).
Hi littlepeaks,

"I made the mistake of running it on the entire drive, instead of the portion containing data. It took hours to complete the task (it didn't find any errors)" I also had that problem except after ~ 26 hrs it ended with message "An Unspecified Error Occured".

Googled and found "CHKDSK - an unspecified error occurred (75736e6a726e6c2e 4f6)"

From my quick search is many (~26K) have reported the "Unspecified Error Occured" Interesting that mine did not give a string of letters and numbers?