Chinese Scientists Make Breakthrough in Quantum Computing

A most recent speech made by Pan Jianwei. Pan said his team could achieve the target to manipulate 50 quantum bits within the next 3 to 5 years. And a quantum computer powered by 50 quantum bits manipulation would be faster than the fastest computer today!

Quote of Pan's speech: 除了量子通信外,近年来我们在量子计算等领域也取得了较好的成绩。比如,就在上个月,我们在上海发布了首个超越早期经典计算机的光量子计算原型机,还有首次实现了10个超导量子比特的量子计算芯片。我们预期,再经过3到5年的努力,就可以操纵50个量子比特,这时,量子计算机对某些特定问题的处理能力就可以超过目前最快的经典超级计算机,实现“量子称霸”这一里程碑。

Full speech could be read at (in Chinese only):