Chief designer of J-20 told CCTV that China's next gen fighter will be sci-fi like

Yang Wei from AVIC, who is the chief designer of China's J-20 stealth fighter, told the CCTV news reporter that China's future gen fighter after J-20, will be something you may or may not even heard from sci-fi movie, like the transformers or others.

Meanwhile it is believed in SAC this year, there is a near-space hyper sonic vehicle has been successfully flight, such vehicle could be a testbed for China's future fighters/bombers.

This topic belongs on a computer forum b/c all current 5th gen stealth fighters in the world arose from supercomputer simulations.

A few interesting facts people may not be aware of:

1. The F-22 Raptor is powered by twin +180kN engines. Only the 5 permanent members of the UNSC have the technical know how to produce a +140kN thrust turbofan engine. That means if Japan (who isn't part of this elite group) ever tried to produce a stealth fighter, its engines will be severely underpowered compared to its peers.

2. China is the second country in the world to have a 5th gen stealth fighter (the Chengdu J-20 "Dragon Fighter") in active service behind the USA. Russia's T-50 Pak-Fa is still at least a decade away from being put into service.

3. USA currently has no prototype plans for a 6th stealth fighter, yet. China already said they will soon unveil a sci-fi like 6th gen stealthy bird.

4. China is leading the arms race over the USA in these areas: 1. EM rail guns (the Chinese ones are more advanced than American), 2. Hypersonic glide vehicles for nuclear warhead dellivery (USA HGV program is currently deemed a failure), 3. The only country in the world to have a miniaturized H-bomb in stock/storage (Chinese don't have lust for blood shedding aka Hiroshima/Nagasaki, so it's only fitting for them to have the world's only mini H-bomb b/c they won't use it willingly, even against the Japanese, unlike the nukes that were dropped in WW-II).

5. These indications seem to point to a Chinese 6th gen stealth plane that will make America green with envy...

(BTW, for a quick low-down of the J-20, which has only been put into active service beginning this month, go here:
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Just for fun, thought I'd compose some differences between 5th gen stealth fighters F-22 (USA) and J-20 (China), which may not be so obvious to onlookers:

1. The computer system on the F-22 is hardware from the 90's, the equivalent hardware on the J-20 is from the 2010's (several 100's MHz/GHz magnitude difference in computing speeds). What about a hardware upgrade? Well, the F-22's software would need to be re-written from scratch, not an easy task let alone finding programmers capable of reading 90's language/source code.

(An analogy would be hiring programmers to translate machine language into C# to run on modern hardware. Such programmers who could understand both languages are rare.

This is why some airports in Europe still run Windows 3.11 systems, b/c rewriting the softwares for modern machines was impractical)
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2. F-22 uses rudders as the control surfaces on its tails/vertical stabilizers, the J-20 sports all-moving tails (the entire tail fin is the control surface rather than the portion at the back):

F-22 (2nd plane below) uses tail rudders:


(BTW, the T-50 is at least a decade away from being put into active service, so for the moment, the only 5th gen planes that can be compared side by side is the F-22 V J-20).

J-20's tails (image below) have been rotated to reveal its all-moving nature:

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