Changing the original driveletter?

I have reinstalled windows XP, but this time on "the other disk", that apparently was called E:/
I was hoping that this drive was called C:/ as this was the only one connected.

This is no good, right, - so I found Bill Gates way of doing the change:
this page is in Danish, - but the path, is the same in all languages, right?

This is not passible, as I can not change the drive letter, only the binary code, and I´m not THAT good, so what do I do to make E:/ change to C:/ ?????

I´m just about ready to jump from a very high bridge.
I know you do not want to hear this but you will have to reinstall your os.

windows has to be on c: drive, you can create other partitions at the time of the installation, but have to make sure that it is installed on c:

do you need instructions to reinstall?

see the links below:
With pictures of clean install
Clean installs of XP sites
I have, - done that already, - but the problem is still here, - as the disk remember that is was baptised E:

THAT is my immediate problem, how do I change THAT?
when you installed your os were any other drives also installed at the same time?

this cannot be, only one drive so that the drive will Disk 0, if it is not disk 0 then it will not be c: drive

no peripherals cept keyboard and monitor, and mouse should be connected when installing os.

awaiting answer but it is 9:30 am, have to leave will try to be back by 5pm CST
I wanted to make hardware mirror, - but found that disk C: was lager than the new one to be mirror on, and could not make the mirror this way.
Therefore, I removed the large disk(C:/) and the mirror card, - and installed XP on the new (smaller) disk, in order to make mirror on to the larger disk later on.

This is when my trouble started, as the new disk apparently "remembered" that it was E: before.

I know it sounds strange, as I have done this many times before, and, as you said, disk 0 will always be disk C:..... but, not this time.....

I inserted the mirror card, connected the two disks to it, started disk manager in the mirror software, and low-level formatted the new (smaller) disk, - then removed the mirror card, and the (old larger) disk.
I then installed XP once again on the new disk, but - sigh - it´s still E:......

I live in Denmark, - the time here is 17:30, but Ill be up most of the night, waiting for your gold, - might try once again, even though the IE and NIC give me even more grey hair every time, and would you believe, I don't write down how I fixed it, so it´s all over again, trying this and that ...

Search engines, - yah right, - the trouble is, the info I find, most likely is outdated or not helpful at all :)
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I found the answer to my question.

I should have deleted the patition, before I reinstallede XP.

Now, - I´m asked if I want to create a partition, it is named C: :)

The old Dane is happy. - not jumping from any bridge or router...