Can't send email in Outlook Express due to STARTTLS,server error 5.7.3

I can still receive mail just fine, but I get server error 530 in OE6 trying to send e-mail, saying:
"Server: '', Protokol: SMTP, Svar fra server: '530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first', Port: 587, Sikker (SSL): Nej, Serverfejl: 530, Fejlnummer: 0x800CCC78"

Does anyone know how to enable TLS 1.2 for use in Outlook Express?
I understood that I needed TLS 1.2, and thus followed an MSFN-guide, but even after getting TLS 1.2 and 1.1 enabled in IE8 after successfully installing these KB-packages, it still doesn't work and gives me the same STARTTLS error, or other variations!

I came across another program/guide meant to enable TLS 1.2, but this was so long and complicated I just fell off.
no starttls in outlook express.
try these ports for pop (110) and smtp (25).
disable "This Server requires a secure connection" when testing those ports.
this alternative does starttls :
free to use for 2 accounts.
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Hey thx for reply.
I have tried all sorts of ports. 110 for, asmtp 587, 465, and standard smtp 25, etc.
Also tried turning 'secure connection'-settings on and off, as well as SSL.
Receiving inbox mail is fine, only sending doesn't work,

Is there no way to make OE issue a starttls command through some external program, script or registry edit?
And cool! I thought OE Classic required subscription from the get-go.