Can't log into any Secure websites

Hello all, today for some reason, i tried to log onto my Ebay account and i couldn't log onto it.

When i clicked log in, the page would turn white and it would just keep loading. The same thing happened on other secure sites such as paypal. I normally use internet explorer, but i downloaded Google chrome to see if it worked, and the same thing happened.

I have already tried many solutions that other say such as ticking the SSL 2.0 and 3.0 in IE, but nothing seems to work. If someone could help me out, that would be great. Thanks

-Vinny P.
Yes, you have to download a decent Browser as MyPAL or K-Melon first. But nowadays it's not easy to find one site for downloading, which isn't secured.

I guess I first updated by Windows update to IE8 and then I was able to find a download page that worked. You ca use Basilisk Serpant or MyPAL Browser, a PaleMoon Mozilla fork especially for Windows XP.

Maybe, this download site worked for me. I don't remember exactly.
Or maybe I could start with one of these K-Melon Browsers:
Then update K-Melon eventually.,148500
Once you got a decent browser working, you can download one current of the working Browsers, such as MayPal, Basilisk, K-Melon, Firefox ESR. I prefer Serpant or MayPal. (Browsable with IE8, but without loading the images)
SeaMonkey is also a good Internet Suite, with Browser, Mail, Compozer(?) and Chat.
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