Can't connect to internet

Hello, all,

I have installed Windows XP Professional 64bit. But I can't connect to the internet with it. On the same computer but with Linux, I can connect. So it's not a hardware problem.

I installed Service Pack 2 (64bit). But it doesn't help.

My Linux hardware diagnosis program says about my ethernet device:
RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller

There is a yellow symbol with exclamation mark at the network device in device manager saying that the driver is not installed yet.

What can I do to get internet?

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It would be nice if you provided us with more info, I.E., My PC is a Dell Inspiron xxxxx etc.
In any case Realtek doesn't have 64 bit drivers for the RTL8111 in XP, only 32 bit.

Find out whatever model your PC is then go to the manufacturer's website and see if the have 64 bit XP drivers for your NIC.

Failing that you have two options: Installing 32 bit XP or purchasing a newer NIC that has 64 bit drivers for XP.
Thanks. Now I'm one step farther. Now that I have these informations, I view this thread as solved.

(As I answered to Elisabeth, I don't know what PC brand I have. There's no label on the front or backside.)

On the same computer but with Linux, I can connect. So it's not a hardware problem.
Did you install your XP over your linux?
The motherboard usually has numbers on it, brand name or model or seemingly odd numbers, which might indicate manufacturer. You can search with linux, Lunux might not know what any file intended for, for Windows (XP-64 in your case) but it certainly can download Win files, (to a thumb drive?)
Finding drivers these days for Win XP-64 is like looking for a needle in a haystack, you would do better, have much better luck, with XP-32 os & look for those drivers.
The link that ClippyBeer gave contains both 32 and 64 bit drivers. (At least that's what I think reading the file names in it.) The device manager now claims ethernet device is working. But with Internet explorer I can't access the internet.

I will open my PC and look for a number on the mainboard.