Can't Clear Read-Only Flag ??

I've had this problem a few times before and I'm not sure what I did that fixed it.

I'm trying to install Borland Turbo Prolog 2.0 on my system:
4 Core AMD/ XP Pro SP3/ 2 x HDD

But the install can't create the directories it needs to install to. So I created the directory structure myself.

under that.

And tried to install again. The install program can't write to the directories below TProlog20 because they are read-only. I created them from the DOS prompt, BTW. The only directory it can write to is TProlog20.

I open properties on TProlog20 and it says Read-Only so I click that off and agree to do that to all sub-directories. Then I check the sub-directories and they are still Read-Only. So I turn off the read-only property for each sub-directory individually. As soon as the popup closes, I check it again, and it is still read-only. No matter where I put the directory frame, the sub-directories are read-only, and I can't change them. I've tried both HDDs a flashdisk and even a Zip drive.

Does anyone know how I can fix this?

Edit: I'm logged in as an administrator.
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Yes. Many times. I've even written programs in Visual Basic and C to do it for me and then copy a file before it goes back to read-only. But I shouldn't have to do that.

I weaseled my way through this particular problem by hanging all of the sub-directories off the root instead of TProlog20, and completely re-writing the batch file that does the installation. As soon as I cut and pasted the sub-directories under TProlog20 they turned into read-only again. No big deal maybe. I usually hang work directories off the root anyway.

But I'm really curious about this problem. I did take your advice about Malabytes and Anti-Spyware. I was surprised. Malabytes found 161 problems on the first run. I did a scan with my anti-virus program before fixing them and it didn't find any problems, so I guess it's time for a change. Cleaning up all those problems didn't help the read-only problem, though.

the forum above is where you should post your question, they are pretty good with batches and scripts. :)


one antivirus can not find everything, I always have an antivirus running in real time and also run MBAM as an on demand scanner.

Plus every once in a while I run an online scan with ESET or Kaspersky.

You can also make a rescue disk from Kaspersky, that you can run before booting,

I do not know what your current antivirus is but you should insure that they are still supporting xp.
I think we need to get back to the original question. I've already taken care of the batch file, and installed the Comodo Anti-virus package on a trial basis.

Can you think of any reason why the sub-directories of a root level directory would be read only when created, and why I can't change that flag?
that is why I sent you to stack overflow forum, I have no experience with changing attributes.

Never needed to so, nor am I as technologically advanced as you appear to be. You can keep this thread open and maybe someone else will be able to help. Good Luck :)
Okay, and if you find a solution, please post it for others looking with your same issue, thanks. :)

It turned out to be the freeware Anti-virus program I was using. So I susbscribed to a name brand anti-virus program and the problem went away.

Since I can't send private messages yet, I'm just going to go ahead and add this here.

Edit: In one of your posts you said that XP can only address a little more than 3 Gig of memory. Am I wasting resources by having 16 Gig installed?

Suppose I replaced it with 2 x 2 Gig DIMMs and put the two 8 Gig DIMMs in another computer. Would this have any effect on performance? The other computer runs UBUNTU.
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Edit: In one of your posts you said that XP can only address a little more than 3 Gig of memory. Am I wasting resources by having 16 Gig installed? Suppose I replaced it with 2 x 2 Gig DIMMs and put the two 8 Gig DIMMs in another computer. Would this have any effect on performance? The other computer runs UBUNTU.[/QUOTE said:
Four Gigabytes is Windows XP Limit. 32 bit applications have a two GB limit.

The PCs motherboard may also effect the total amount of memory seen by XP.

Two PCs using the same motherboard, one with 4 GB installed and the other with 3 GB installed. Windows XP may only be able to see 3 GB from either computer.

One reason is the motherboard may set aside part of the mb's memory for video, Windows XP will only be able to see and use 3 GB (maximum addressable memory for the OS).

If you are able to disable the motherboards video from the bios. Installing a third party graphics card with memory. Windows XP is sometimes able to see and use more of the mb memory.
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