Cannot see Android Media Device (MTP) on XP


Got my new Android 4.4.4 phone and my Vista laptop recognised and displays the phone drives as expected.

However, when I connect it to my XP desktop and set it to Media Device (MTP), the take action window pops up but only allows me to transfer data through windows media player (or take no action).

The problem is I have WMP9 (I'm not considering an update), so selecting it doesn't help because it seems unable to transfer anything (it does not even open).

So the phone is recognised, the camera (PTP) mode works fine, and I also downloaded the windows MTP driver, but got no improvement.

So does anybody knows of a workaround for this? Maybe a software I could use so XP would give me the option to use it to transfer media?

Is there any reason why I wouldn't be able to see the phone drives on explorer, which would be my preferred option?

when you connect to xp do not set it to media device, just go to my computer right click on the drive (phone) and choose open or explore, and you can choose which program you want to open with also.

also the take action window should never pop up as if you are fully updated then any autorun or autoplay should have been disabled with an update from microsoft, this is to insure that you have a chance to scan a connected device for viruses before opening.
Thanks so much for your reply Elizabeth23

I installed a number of updates and XP now recognises the phone

Kind regards!

I had to install the usb drivers for my mobile phone to get access from my xp machine (in my case SAMSUNG_USB_Driver_for_Mobile_Phones_v1.5.45.0.exe).
Maybe your update just installed those drivers.

I also have to enter my lock-pattern on my phone - unless I do so there aren't any folders visible on my pc accessing the phone.