can you still activate windows xp in aug 2016

well top say all

can you still activate windows xp in aug 2016 ?

as i cant download sp1 sp2 sp3 for windows xp on microsoft anymore im worrying they pull the plug for good :mad:
yes, you can still activate it and if you need service packs go to the link below from Mike_Walsh:


Create the Activation Status

Navigate to system32 folder.
Copy the wpa.dbl and wpa.bak files
Reinstall XP in the normal manner
Restart the computer and use the F8 key to bring up the Advanced Boot Options
Select Minimal Safe Mode using Up and Down Arrow Keys and press Enter.
Navigate to system32 folder.
Rename the existing wpa.dbl and wpa.bak files.
Copy the previously backed up wpa.dbl and wpa.bak files to the system32 folder.
Reboot the computer.

if you do the above then you will not have to activate, or if it says activate online, then it will read the replacement files and you will be good to go. I do this every time I reinstall.
there just one problem sp1 sp2 sp3 come in all languages so i was Lucky that that i stored sp2 nl sp3 nl on a usb stick here is
my topic about it if you have sp files in other languages please post so we can help people that need it.
when i need a reinstall im good but i will now backup that
wpa.dbl and wpa.bak files so when i do need it i have it.

how ever that still leave a ton of win xp updates they may remove soon :(

I use the program above to update my pc almost 100% offline

When you first use it, there will be only high priority items, but when I updated at microsoft updates, I searched Microsoft download center for the update and saved it to the cache file of portable updates, then when I installed all of my updates are there, I am getting ready to reinstall my os here soon. so I hope that I will not need any updates from microsoft updates, I do not use any of the new sp4 setups because each one has a program that I do not want.

hope this helps


Yes, I had seen your post on the dutch service packs, do not know of any other languages, but you should be able to do a google search and download the service pack in any language, if the site is reputable, then you can use it, but some do not have good reputations, I use WOT web of trust to help me check on reputable sites for downloading.
@priscus, if you read what the content is, there are programs such as flash player, which I choose to download on my own and install, media players, programs such as defraggler and / or ccleaner, and the optional updates Windows essentials, Desktop search 4.0, skype for xp, I do not want any of those, but otherwise the sp4's also only give high priority updates,you will still have to go to microsoft updates for the non-high priority updates.


google page for the various sp4's, :)
portableupdate its a very good tool i got my updates now backup on usb stick and dvd if ever need it.
to bad though that tool only download the updates when its running on system that has xp it be cool if you got click xp on 7 :)

i have noticed that the tool downloaded alot of updates in dutch language
so this means when microsoft pull the plug you're screwed when your cd rom is in other language as english as that easy to find
try finding a sp2 sp3 download in dutch or more uncommon languages on google you wont only ****ing virus downloads :( files that are 900kb big and so on
I did apply the Unofficial SP4 to an old PC and I was able to easily remove all of the .NET Framework updates. However I could NOT delete the registry key that allow POSReady 2009, since it's protected by WGA. Crap! But the system des run quite well.
I got mine from searching en_winxp_home_with_sp2.iso into Google, it's the first result, and it's completely untouched.

However, you'll need to patch with SP3 then crack the activation should you prolong to use it, if you don't have a legitimate product key, if you have a legitimate product key, GET IT ACTIVATED! It's the best solution being legal :)