Can you password protect folders without winrar?

I have my journal on my computer, and it's a folder[the icon for it is a book:)] with wordpad text files having the date being the name of the file. i wanna password protect the folder.
Tip: Before password protecting any document, you may want to create a backup of the non-password protected files and folder in case you forget the password in the future.

above is really important, I have seen many threads where someone forgot to write down the encryption key, if this happens your files are lost.

you can upload your files to microsoft onedrive, it is free for I believe 5gb or so.

xp can only upload files not folders, so you would have to create a folder and then you can transfer a bunch of files at one time.
read above link on win xp built in encryption.



google search page on opening encrypted files in xp, it would behoove you to read through several of these threads for background info. :)