Can not copy and paste Insufficient system resources

I receive the following error when I try to copy and paste even the smallest of files for example even a 10kb .txt.
Cannot copy [filename]: insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service.
Same error occurs even copying an pasting on the command line. Some things I tried to resolve the problem.
This did not work for me
First setting:
Open regedit navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\ create new DWORD Value registry key PoolUsageMaximum, set value to 60 decimal.
If after restart the problem still persists do the second setting.
Second setting:
Open regedit navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\ create new DWORD Value registry key PagedPoolSize, set value to FFFFFFFF Hexadecimal.
Restart the server and try to copy the file.
I also performed the following also which did not work
I maxed out 4gb ram
Ran chkdsk
Ran sfc /scannow but would not run unless repair disc was put in drive and when its put in it still does not execute sfc /scannow
modifying virtual memory page file
ran antivirus/malware scan no concerns
PC specs
Running Windows XP SP3 x86
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I will submit any required screen shots/log files needed to resolve this issue. Thank you.
how much free space do you have??

windows requires at least 15% free space to operate.

if the space is insufficient then you can remove some programs or delete all but the last system restore to free up some space

what is the exact error message?

what does it say in event viewer??
Info requested

Sorry for the delay this is a computer at work and just started back today. See attached event viewer application & system logs and a jpeg of the error that pops up. I removed the computer name on the event viewer. As for space available 55gb free on a 75gb hd. Let me know thanks


  • XP Error.JPG
    XP Error.JPG
    12.7 KB · Views: 538
  • XP Event Viewer.txt
    1.7 KB · Views: 541
112 Error
Notification Package could not connect to
service to load or unload user
domain name or
local machine name/user name
This event indicates an issue with the Removable
Storage Service. It should follow either Removable
Storage event 109 or 110. If this message occurs,
the machine should be rebooted.

above is page 72 of 106 of symantec endpoint , do you have this security program??


id 57, are you plugging in a usb device and then just unplugging it without waiting to safely eject hardware??


id 7026

read above and see if the driver needs to be reinstalled or updated

and below has good instructions:
Symantec Endpoint is installed and I was pulling the usb without properly ejecting. I did the registry fix for error ID 7026. The IT owns link you posted is registry editing I already tried and did not work. I did have a question about the technet link. Would I be creating brand new values or do they already exist and I would just be changing the values? I will wait for your response before I attempt this. Thanks

By tuning the Memory Manager to start the trimming process earlier (for example, when it reaches 60 percent), it would be possible to keep up with the paged pool demand during sudden peak usage, and avoid running out of paged pool memory.

This problem can occur because the functions used by all of the copy utilities use buffered input/output (I/O) to transfer data from the source file to the destination file. Whenever buffered I/O is performed on a file, there is a paged pool memory overhead requirement that is proportional to the size of the file. Because paged pool memory is a limited resource, there is an upper limit on the size of file that can be copied.

Since all of the paged pool that is required to buffer an entire file is allocated when the first read or write procedure is performed on the file, the file copy operation fails immediately, instead of half way through the operation.

you would be creating a value, export the key to your desktop, before changing anything so that you can replace it if you do not like the results.

do only one change at a time so that you can keep track of what you are changing and also create a new system restore point so that you can go back.

I have not had this error and I do not have Symantec installed but from what I have researched this solution should be okay.


also, please specify which technet link, there were several, I assume that you were referencing the link in my Reply #2 :)
I made the following changes from the links in reply #2 with no success

Ø Configure the below keys to maximize server resources. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Lanmanserver\Parameters subkey, configure the following entries:
• Name: MaxWorkItems Data Type: REG_DWORD Value data: 8196 (decimal)
• Name: MaxMpxCt Data Type: REG_DWORD Value data: 2048 (decimal)
• Name: MaxRawWorkItems Data Type: REG_DWORD Value data: 512 (decimal)
• Name: MaxFreeConnections Data Type: REG_DWORD Value data: 100 (decimal)
• Name: MinFreeConnections Data Type: REG_DWORD Value data: 32 (decimal)

In the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Lanmanworkstation\Parameters subkey, configure the following entry:
• Name: MaxCmds Data Type: REG_DWORD Value data: 2048 (decimal)

By default, your registry does not have a Configuration Manager subkey. To create the key, locate and then right-click the following subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager Point to New , and then click Key . Type Configuration Manager , and then press ENTER. In the new HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Configuration Manager subkey, configure the following entry:
• Name: RegistryLazyFlushInterval Data Type: REG_DWORD Value data: 60 (decimal)

Cannot copy [filename]: insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service.

When trying to copy large file to Windows Server 2003 "Cannot copy [filename]: insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service." error appears.
To solve this you may have to change two registry settings. You must always change the first setting. Depending on the configuration of your system, you may also have to change the second setting.
First setting:
Open regedit navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\ create new DWORD Value registry key PoolUsageMaximum, set value to 60 decimal.
If after restart the problem still persists do the second setting.
Second setting:
Open regedit navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\ create new DWORD Value registry key PagedPoolSize, set value to FFFFFFFF Hexadecimal.
Restart the server and try to copy the file.

The workstation is running VMware vSphere. Do you think this could be causing the problem?
I am getting out of my depth here,

this is the knowledge base for vmware vsphere, and there is a toll free number you can call to get further help and let them check if it is their program causing this issue.


I will keep checking to see if I can find others with the same issue.

Also, how high is your page file set?? is it system managed??


This Page is the search page for the insufficient resources error
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The page file is set to system managed and I forgot to write down the page file settings.
I will post them on monday Sept 12.
so copy and paste is still not working??

any new errors in event viewer??

how many partitions on your harddrive?? (size of each, what is on each??)
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Copy and paste still not working.

1 partition, OS is installed, XP SP3,
Symantec Endpoint Encryption, VMware vCenter
Converter Standalone, VMware vSphere
Client 4.1, IE8, Adobe Reader X, Adobe Flash

I will post the event viewer file tonight. Thanks.

above is for the failed to load error, and for the windows time error, I have w32 time disabled on my pc. but you can go to the following and put different sync sites in place of the default:

To change w32 time providers and sync time

Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ W32Time \ TimeProviders \ NtpClient \
Double-click the SpecialPollInterval value, and change the Base of the Value data to Decimal
Now change the Value data to the time interval you desire, noting that the time is given in seconds (so for 1 day the value would be 86400, while the default (7 days) is 604800 USE 43200 to keep errors out of event log. 28800 is 8 hours 15768000 is 6 months.
w32tm /resync /rediscover command line

Data Type: REG_SZ (String Value)
Value Data: Server Hostname or IP Address


will still search for ways to fix your copy/paste, :)
reply no.2

I found that when IE has an application working, such as viewing a PDF in the browser, the clipboard was not working. When I backed out of the PDF viewer and tried copy/paste again it worked. Not sure why, but it seems to do the trick.

above is clipboard, make sure that it is not corrupted and you can click on it and have clipboard open. when you click copy does it appear in your clipboard?

Word/Help/Detect and Repair

This last one worked for me wonderfully just now.

from here

several more solutions, you might read through at above link, seems that several programs can cause this issue.