Can Guest accounts on XP download software themselves?

Like firefox, for example?

Is it possible for the admin to configure the guest account to be able to download software?
You can set rights and permissions for the Guest account as you would for any user account. By default, the Guest account is a member of the built-in Guests group. The Guests group lets a user log on to a workstation or to a member server. Only a member of the Administrators group can grant additional rights and any permissions to the Guests group.

When you use the Guest account to log on, the following activities apply:

You do not require a password.
You cannot install software or hardware.
You cannot change the Guest account type.
You cannot create a password for the account.
You cannot change the Guest account picture.
You cannot access the applications that have already been installed on the computer.
You cannot access the files in the Shared Documents folder.
You cannot access the files in the Guest profile.

above from here

so you can assign some permissions if you want to and you have admin priveledges, but you could also just create another account.
That does not appear correct?? it is supposed to be a limited account, but even with a limited account you can download from the internet.