BSOD - Possibly hardware related - NEED HELP!!

Well my computer keeps crashing and I'm not sure what the issue was. I originally had windows 7 and I thought maybe it was a virus or something so I reformatted my PC and now I have windows XP installed on it. Still these BSODS occur and it is getting worse which leads me to believe that it is a hardware issue. I found this program from another windows forum site that collects all necessary information needed to figure out why a BSOD occurs. If anyone knows how to interpret that data that would be awesome! Even compressed to a .zip the files are too large to upload here, due to strict limits so I uploaded it to mediafire.

Here is the link.

Thank you in advance!!
was you 7 a 64 bit? and are you trying to load a 32 bit, will need to reset the bios so wont try to boot from sata drive
set it to compatible or what ever other setting there is and set to boot from cd drive
long live xp:)