Browser on which Facebook works

A variety of browsers work well but Facebook recommends.
  • Mozilla Firefox.
  • Safari.
  • Google Chrome.
  • Internet Explorer.
  • Opera.
  • Microsoft Edge.
All these browsers work perfectly fine with Windows XP sp3.

So I take it that Facebook is broken with Firefox 52.9.0esr on XP?
Yes, as well as AOL Shield, and MyPal (older version and 68.13.1)
I mean it works for most sites, but fails at Facebook, I can no longer enter comments, same with instagram. They must have changed something at FB. This error happens in all my XP installs, VM and normal install. I was using AOL shield for older OS's because it was the only one that worked for me in XP.
Yes, as well as AOL Shield, and MyPal (older version and 68.13.1)
I mean it works for most sites, but fails at Facebook, I can no longer enter comments, same with instagram. They must have changed something at FB. This error happens in all my XP installs, VM and normal install. I was using AOL shield for older OS's because it was the only one that worked for me in XP.
I just started using Mypal version 68.13.1, and Facebook does not work on this browser. It starts on the opening screen and then just crashes and I get an error message. This is the only site that this happens on. YouTube, instagram, and Twitter, all are working fine. And this has only happened during the last few days, regarding Facebook. Did Facebook do something to block viewing on XP browsers?
I don't use Fecesbook so have no way to test but if you're having problems with MyPal 68 you can try ArcticFoxie's 360Chrome builds for XP which are based on Chrome 86.

Unfortunately, I have to use Fecesbook, because some of the games I play, upload files there for use in the game. I only use it for that basic purpose. But, if I can't access Fecesbook, then I can't get my game files ! ;-)
MyPal 68
v 68.13.7b
is available.

The 360Chrome ClippyBeer sites works for me in my email where MyPal 68 does not so right there is a difference I'd consider if I was trying to use facebook which I do not and never have.

Hi ! Thanks for the MyPal info. Now, I'm not too tech savvy, but I do not see a 'download' button on the website to download the latest version of MyPal. Am I missing something very obvious on how to update the browser from there ? Thanks !
Under Assets just click on the one you want (32 or 64 bit).


I still recommend you try ArcticFoxie's 360Chrome builds. MyPal 68 is still a work in progress.
Yes, thank you ! The assets button was loading for a wee while, so I did not see the files initially. Now, I have the zip and downloaded the 32 bit version. All seems really good, and FB works !
May I ask, what is the difference between the 32 and 64 bit ? Is the 64 faster, per se ?
Also, I am interested in the 360Chrome build you mention, but does it have the same probs as Chrome ? So many sites come out as 'unsupported protocol' on Chrome for me. Would that other version work better ?