
hi. i dont have a bluetooth on my latop dell 1500. i install the patch R159805 and the driver R127314 but nothing happens. whenever i run the setup, it only cancel the installation. pls help. thank you.

the above link is your original post, please do not post twice, this is the only thread I will post on.


where did you get that driver? it is not listed as applicable to the vostro 1500

see this link

you need to go here, input your service tag number, which is located on the COA tag probably on the bottom of your laptop, to get the drivers specific to your pc

this is your bluetooth driver:


on the page where you input your service tag, there is a system analysis button also, however if you do this you will have to have .net4 extended installed, the website will tell you if you need to install this.
hi miss elezabeth. the bluetooth driver that i've installed does not work properly. also on the configuration settings there is no discovery tab.

went HERE and this thread talks about installing a bluetooth module???

go to the drivers and downloads page at DELL and input your service number
and see what bluetooth driver is offered for your specific pc, the original link for the vostro1500 I gave you before is generic. ALSO on this page is a button to click for system analyses that might help.

above link says to also install a wireless card do you have that installed??

above links talks of how and which to install.
on a dell the dss or nss has to be installed first and then the chipset did you do it this way??
hmm. it says that bluetooth device is not detected. the device may not be installed correctly, it may be powered off, it may be disabled or it may not be operational. it also says to press fn+f2 but nothing happens.
actually im not really familiar with dss and nss and chipset. im really a novice. maybe i did not install the driver correctly thats why its not working. and how can i post a document here? i want to show you the a picture. thanks
There is a limit of so many bytes, (not sure how many but if something is too long then just break it up into two posts, and all you have to do is copy/paste into your reply here.

there is an attachment button, when you click on Post Reply, but not when you reply in the quick reply box.

link above is how and when to install dell drivers, read it carefully


link above is a dell analyser and you can highlight the Bluetooth issues

if dell system detect is not installed you will be prompted to install, also this requires .net 4 extended, not just the .net 4 client profile, If you need the links let me know if dell does not automatically install it for you.

for an image, you have to have a copy of the image in an online program like dropbox or microsoft onedrive, onedrive is free with 5gb free storage, all you have to do is sign up with a microsoft live account.
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i could not install the dell system detect.. it says contact vendor..

Windows : 5.1.2600.196608 (Win32NT)
Common Language Runtime : 2.0.50727.42
System.Deployment.dll : 2.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200)
mscorwks.dll : 2.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200)
dfdll.dll : 2.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200)
dfshim.dll : 2.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200)

Deployment url :
Server : Apache
Deployment Provider url :
Server : Apache
Application url :
Server : Apache

Deployment Identity : DellSystemDetect.application, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0f612f649c4a10af, processorArchitecture=msil
Application Identity : DellSystemDetect.exe, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0f612f649c4a10af, processorArchitecture=msil, type=win32

* Installable application.
* Trust url parameter is set.
Below is a summary of the errors, details of these errors are listed later in the log.
* Activation of resulted in exception. Following failure messages were detected:
+ Culture name 'zh-hant' is not supported.
Parameter name: name

No transaction error was detected.

There were no warnings during this operation.

* [8/16/2014 11:55:07 PM] : Activation of has started.
* [8/16/2014 11:55:19 PM] : Processing of deployment manifest has successfully completed.
* [8/16/2014 11:55:19 PM] : Installation of the application has started.
* [8/16/2014 11:55:22 PM] : Processing of application manifest has successfully completed.
* [8/16/2014 11:55:31 PM] : Request of trust and detection of platform is complete.

Following errors were detected during this operation.
* [8/16/2014 11:56:39 PM] System.ArgumentException
- Culture name 'zh-hant' is not supported.
Parameter name: name
- Source: mscorlib
- Stack trace:
at System.Globalization.CultureTableRecord..ctor(String cultureName, Boolean useUserOverride)
at System.Globalization.CultureTableRecord.GetCultureTableRecord(String name, Boolean useUserOverride)
at System.Globalization.CultureInfo..ctor(String name, Boolean useUserOverride)
at System.Deployment.Application.AssemblyMetaDataImport.ConstructAssemblyName(IntPtr asmMetaPtr, Char[] asmNameBuf, UInt32 asmNameLength, IntPtr pubKeyPtr, UInt32 pubKeyBytes, UInt32 flags)
at System.Deployment.Application.AssemblyMetaDataImport.ImportIdentity()
at System.Deployment.Application.AssemblyMetaDataImport.get_Name()
at System.Deployment.Application.Manifest.AssemblyManifest.LoadFromCompLibAssembly(String filePath)
at System.Deployment.Application.Manifest.AssemblyManifest.LoadFromInternalManifestFile(String filePath)
at System.Deployment.Application.Manifest.AssemblyManifest..ctor(String filePath)
at System.Deployment.Application.DownloadManager.ProcessDownloadedFile(Object sender, DownloadEventArgs e)
at System.Deployment.Application.FileDownloader.DownloadModifiedEventHandler.Invoke(Object sender, DownloadEventArgs e)
at System.Deployment.Application.FileDownloader.OnModified()
at System.Deployment.Application.SystemNetDownloader.DownloadSingleFile(DownloadQueueItem next)
at System.Deployment.Application.SystemNetDownloader.DownloadAllFiles()
at System.Deployment.Application.FileDownloader.Download(SubscriptionState subState)
at System.Deployment.Application.DownloadManager.DownloadDependencies(SubscriptionState subState, AssemblyManifest deployManifest, AssemblyManifest appManifest, Uri sourceUriBase, String targetDirectory, String group, IDownloadNotification notification, DownloadOptions options)
at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.DownloadApplication(SubscriptionState subState, ActivationDescription actDesc, Int64 transactionId, TempDirectory& downloadTemp)
at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.InstallApplication(SubscriptionState subState, ActivationDescription actDesc)
at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.PerformDeploymentActivation(Uri activationUri, Boolean isShortcut)
at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.ActivateDeploymentWorker(Object state)

No transaction information is available.
install the .net 4's below and then see if you can install the dell system detect:

Microsoft .NET Framework 4 (Standalone Installer)

Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile (Standalone Installer)

reboot as requires

side note:

.net sometimes is installed while machine is shutting down and not when restarting

you can tell if when you go to start/shutdown/and in the dialog box there is a little shield icon on the shutdown button, if there is one there then hit shutdown and it is a very lengthy process, just do not power down pc, and it were best done while attached to an ac power source incase the installation takes longer than your battery has charge for.

NOTE: .net takes a while to install so be patient. :)

ALSO: 2nd reply

Culture name 'zh-hant' is not supported.

this is something dealing with chinese I believe, is your system in English??

you might try at the dell forum, they have excellent workers there that are up to date on all dell products.

what did the message say exactly about contacting vendor??

below were the system requirements for the dell system detect, calls for .net 3.5 so I am including the link for this

Minimum Supported System Requirements:

Microsoft Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista or Windows 7®, Windows 8*
Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox required.
Microsoft .NET 3.5 SP1
1.33-gigahertz (GHz) processor or faster
Recommended 2GB, with 512 megabytes (MB) of RAM the minimum requirement
At least 512 megabytes (MB) of available space on the hard disk
1024x576 @ 120 DPI
768x1366 @ 120 DPI (for the Inspiron Duo)
Internet access
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haha. its already 12:16 in the morning here.. will it take 2 hrs or more? :) and what will happen if the installation is interrupted?
it is not a good idea for the installation to be interrupted, I would wait or use the ac power cord during installation that way the pc will not be interrupted during installation.


as for the chinese letters I am out of my depth there I do not know why it will not install and I would either have to phone in to dell for service or you should ask in the dell forum, I have no problem installing dell system detect.. but cannot see why the keyboard would stop you. ??