Blocked by Local Policy?

I must say it is a pleasure to still find support for xp nowadays! I used to use newsgroups for all problems but my ISP no longer supports. Yes there are many XP users still out there. Thanks XP Forums for your support and help.
Moving right along, I'm having trouble logging on to my XP machine. This particular XP install is not currently accessible remotely either as I am not able to logon to the computer to make it remotely available. So, normally my user name appears and I just click ok and I get logged on. (This machine was not password protected). Now I'm getting "The local policy of this system does not permit you to logon interactively."
The system is a dual boot (2 hard drives) XP machine. I can access the *other* XP fine and I can access all files on the group policy problem XP as well. I thought maybe if I just copy my group policy folder from the accessible XP over the problem one that all would be well. So I did, but when I rebooted the computer, I was still not able to logon to the problem XP and I'm still getting the same error message. A couple years ago, I backed up the install when it was working good, but I have since then used the backup in another machine via motherboard swap and have added and removed some programs. But I'm sure the root files are all there and still original, if that is of any help...or maybe not. Can anyone recommend a fix for my logon woes for the blocked policy XP? Many thanks in advance
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first try running checkdisk from the recovery console if you have an install cd that is at the same service pack as your pc.

or you can run from the start menu:

How to perform checkdisk

if you do not have Recovery Console installed, then run from the start menu

go to start, run, type in cmd

in cmd type in chkdsk c: /r and press enter

type Y for yes and press enter

type exit and press enter

restart pc, allow checkdisk to finish and run again

this is a lengthy process depending on the size of your harddrive, the percentages will fluctuate, this is normal, you can view report in the event viewer.

go to start>run> and type in eventvwr.msc, click on the applications directory, and in the right hand panel choose winlogon.
Thank you for your suggestions but unfortunately after trying chkdsk c: /r, the problem remains. First thing I tried initially was chkdsk in the r console and then the disk surface check which you suggested. It finds no problems with the disk. Still cannot get into windows after restarting machine and the same error message comes up after clicking ok. I feel it might be a setting in windows rather than an error that is preventing me from logging in. Problem is, I don't know if It can be changed internally from outside of that windows account. I don't know what files, if any. This is why I tried replacing the group policy folder with a working one, but still no go.
I am not sure what else to try as I have disabled everything dealing with remote access.

post the question again or just let it lie until another can assist you. sorry checkdisk did not help. :)
I didn't realize that chkdsk c: /r was supposed to disable all remote access. If that is the case, and my local logon is not permitted, then that means something else might be overwriting the policy?Virus related perhaps? Or just plain corruption of files from the overclock I tried to do right before it happened? But affecting logon only.....weird.
Thank you for trying though I really appreciate your effort. :)


*sigh*...back to drawing board...
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no, no, no, checkdisk has nothing to do with remote access, That was something I did by deleting registry items and disabling all remote services, etc.

checkdisk most often can repair damages to the file system, which is why I use the /r parameter.

what is your current antivirus?

you should download malwarebytes free and run a full scan. let me know what it finds