Big help needed please

Hello all,

I've been trying to fix my laptop for about 3 days now and had nothing but problems.
I have Windows XP Pro installed but after some time it wouldn't load the desktop. Some kind of virus I assumed.

Windows XP Login screen would proceed then it would just load the wallpaper but no icons no start menu nothing. I tried Task Manager and ran explorer.exe but that didn't work also. it wouldn't load at all. I had the same issue with this in safe mode as well. It was asking to install a ethernet driver which I tried via USB and CD but no joy.

Anyway this is where the problem start. I saw on youtube to repair windows insert the XP CD Boot from CD though BIOS. I then selected install Windows XP then I pressed R for repair as I have data I need to back up and can't loose.

After about 3 hours it seems to get stuck on 29 minutes and won't budge. Now it will just do a loop.

I can't even go into safe mode or anything. From turning on the laptop it just tries and loads the Windows XP setup loader.

Is there any way how to get the Data back and repair windows xp without formatting it.

I assume I can stop the loop by formatting the HDD and Clean install XP but as stated I need the Data.

Thank you guys/girls

I hope you can help me... 3 days straight on this issue..

you can try to pull the drive and install as a slave on another pc and get your data off that way, or boot to a live cd, puppy linux, or hiren's cd and get your data that way.