Avast Oddity


I uninstalled Avast long ago, however Security Centre seems to think I still have it installed.

I have tried to delete every instance of 'Avast' from the registry, but it still appears. I think I found the key to delete 'LEGACY_AVAST_ANTIVIRUS' but it doesn't let me delete this particular key or edit it.

It's not that much of an issue, as it doesn't appear if MSE is up to date, but I don't know why Avast is still viewed by the security centre.
to delete a registry key:

right click on desired key

choose permissions

choose everyone

click ok then you can delete key


Ensure you are deleting the right key !!!!


I have noticed that a lot of antivirus do not want you to delete their registry keys, this is probably due to self protection so that a malware cannot delete the keys or change them :)