Avast Event That All Most Cost Me Money But They Gave In

My avast free virus program made a bunch of changes to my machine,

ads on my e mail, safe zone turned on which slows computer or at least mine, bells going off :eek::eek:

so i went into my pass word protected program to shut junk off.

Pass word would not work,:eek::eek::eek::eek:

I reset it at avast site,,,,,still would not let me in, more :eek:

I called payed tech support, they said for no small fee they would fix it, what card you use???:mad:

I said that is off the charts of moral logic, "your free program" locks me out, you want me to pay you to fix it, """THAT'S RANSOM WARE"""

Told them I would write all over the net what they were doing, got put on hold 12 mins, they came back on and went in to my machine and fixed it.

thought someone would like to know

maybe you should get rid of avast free??

I use 369 Total security essentials from qihoo, I use all five engines, and so far they are still supporting xp. :)

glad your issue got fixed!
Actually I wouldn't have even let them log on to my machine to be honest. The support team does not sound all that honest

very true, I paid them once (years ago) to clean it before i knew what i know now.... they asked very fast and then put crap into my tray and desk top. I cancelled the credit card payment.

The avast Mgr's push workers aggressively for sales, many are single women, sad crap :eek::eek::eek::eek:

the India job market is hell, but they at-least have a mandatory "living wage law" in hi tech, but its still no "German Style worker heaven", many workers there fear for their lives, a worker who fears for their life can be pushed into anything, I am not gonna miss this world.
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maybe you should get rid of avast free??

I use 369 Total security essentials from qihoo, I use all five engines, and so far they are still supporting xp. :)

glad your issue got fixed!

Avira, part of 369,,, dumps "open candy" adware late on in updates, they did it to me. I remember very well having to yank it after a alert from a free kerperksi scan I ran, see link below
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@jim davis, sorry but that should have read 360 not 369 :)

I am using version 8.8.1042 total security ESSENTIALS because I do not need nor want the extra cleanup tools that come with total security, I clean up regularly with other tools.
there is now ads at the bottom of the scan gui, but I ignore them
I have my protection set to security for the best protection
I have bitdefender and avira engines enabled as that will get the most protection.
I have not received any open candy yet, that I know of, I scan daily quick scan and 2/3 times weekly with 360 and 2/3 times weekly with malwarebytes 3 (free)quick and full scans, so far so good :)
I have autorun disabled and 360 scans the flash drive before I can open it.

I do realize that no scanner is perfect but so far 360 meets my requirements. :)


above is a discussion forum for this (and other AV's also) the only problem I have had with it so far are Schannel errors in event viewer for the last 3 versions of 360 TSE, my research online has led to just ignoring these as there were a few AV's that said that it was not a problem, I am a little disappointed that 360 has not sent me a personal reply to my questions and no one at the forum above has been able to give my any direct answer, either. So I have just ignored this and keep on going.

I have tried lots of av's and so far this is the one to use especially and mainly because it is the last one to support xp unless you use a paid one and I believe that Kaspersky Paid is the only one still supporting xp,
Hi Elizabeth, as always you are right about a lot.
Avira got caught with the open candy program and removed it, let it blow over and came back as they now are. its not off subject to say there is huge morality issues
with the whole universe of computers, avast included.

Elizabeth, the fact is this, for me anyway, for computers to even work better then they do now, we need a kinder human being then the ones running around now.
Avira may have changed its old logo graphics, as I have not seen it lately.

But what first made me attracted to it, was its esthetics, the graphics did not look like they were designed by some demon who grew up in a garage.

Looks can be deceiving

thanks to the other folks who also contributed to this thread.:)
