My avast free virus program made a bunch of changes to my machine,
ads on my e mail, safe zone turned on which slows computer or at least mine, bells going off

so i went into my pass word protected program to shut junk off.
Pass word would not work,

I reset it at avast site,,,,,still would not let me in, more
I called payed tech support, they said for no small fee they would fix it, what card you use???
I said that is off the charts of moral logic, "your free program" locks me out, you want me to pay you to fix it, """THAT'S RANSOM WARE"""
Told them I would write all over the net what they were doing, got put on hold 12 mins, they came back on and went in to my machine and fixed it.
thought someone would like to know

ads on my e mail, safe zone turned on which slows computer or at least mine, bells going off
so i went into my pass word protected program to shut junk off.
Pass word would not work,
I reset it at avast site,,,,,still would not let me in, more
I called payed tech support, they said for no small fee they would fix it, what card you use???
I said that is off the charts of moral logic, "your free program" locks me out, you want me to pay you to fix it, """THAT'S RANSOM WARE"""
Told them I would write all over the net what they were doing, got put on hold 12 mins, they came back on and went in to my machine and fixed it.
thought someone would like to know