Auto install KB files?

I've got a bunch of KB files I want to install on XP/W7. Is there a way to have all KB files within a folder installed automatically or am I doomed to double click on each individual file?
I do not know how but you can create a batch that will run them, I had this same question as I had downloaded all my updates to install offline and wanted to install without user assistance.

well I was told to create a batch order to do this, so instead I turned to the autoupdates programs, like WSUS, version 9.1 only as it is the last one to use with xp

then you can upload most of the updates offline

I did this on my last install and there were still some updates needed from microsoft updates but not a whole lot.

read the thread below:

below is a search page on this issue:
Ok, thanks, I will have a look.

Btw, how did you solve the issue where certain updates ask you to agree to the license terms before they installed? (I just want to agree once and the subsequent updates should be "agreed" as well)...