Assembly to basic translator

Hey guys. I use Windows xp and Reactos. I'm not comfortable with c++ language, nor with assembly language. So, to understand the code of reactos programs, I decided to create an assembly translator for the basic language. I like to delve deeper, to study to the atom! I'm developing rsse translator in labview language, which I develop faster. Anyone interested in translating Windows programs to basic? I think it has special importance for systems portability.
I do not understand.
I thought that assembly language consists of the assembly mnemonics for the binary opcodes executed by the processor, and hence is machine specific. BASIC: a high level language, not machine specific, and hence requiring either compiling, or more often interpreting. I can see how a reverse compiler / interpreter might attempt to recover BASIC from Assembler, though I foresee problems. If the assembly code had been derived from something other than BASIC you might get output that cannot fit to the structure of BASIC.

Excuse my ignorance if I have got this wrong. It is a very long time since I did any of this stuff.

Isn't this why 'Common Language Runtime' exists?
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I do not understand.
I thought that assembly language consists of the assembly mnemonics for the binary opcodes executed by the processor, and hence is machine specific. BASIC: a high level language, not machine specific, and hence requiring either compiling, or more often interpreting. I can see how a reverse compiler / interpreter might attempt to recover BASIC from Assembler, though I foresee problems. If the assembly code had been derived from something other than BASIC you might get output that cannot fit to the structure of BASIC.

Excuse my ignorance if I have got this wrong. It is a very long time since I did any of this stuff.

Isn't this why 'Common Language Runtime' exists?

Hi Priscus.

I'm sorry if a dont make sense. I was a long time far away from english! So, the especifc assembly here is for the machines runing Windows xp. The guys from Reactos made aplications from c code and theese aplications run on windows. So I coding a software that translate from assembly (windows .exe and .dll) to basic (like freebasic). Then we can modify this app' code and compile, and run on windows.

I'm coding it becouse I am bad in c++ and assembly. So slow, understand? Basic is my favorite language. And it is powerfull like c.
Is this of any help? https://softwareengineering.stackex...vert-code-from-a-low-level-language-to-a-high

Also this, but involves a bit of heavy assembly:

I am sure you will have conducted your own searches. Let us know what you are finding.

I did come across this comment: "To convert a low level language to a higher level, you need to understand what algorithm the program is realizing, and re-write that in a higher level language", which leads me to conclude that should you pursue your proposal you would probably become very proficient in Assembly long before completing the project, hence the need for it would be there no longer.

Anyway, let me wish you all the best in your endeavours.
Hi Priscus.

Thanks for informatios.

I will study this. I'm working on the Freebasic compiler. It's totaly made with basic language. Not much dificult!