Any bird watching enthusiasts over there in the USA?

That is if you can drag yourselves away from your keyboards.
The reason I ask is that on the many U.S TV programmes we get over here in the UK. On outside scenes, I keep hearing familiar birdsong! As an avid birdwatcher I am intrigued to know if they are just dubbed sounds or whether we do actually share some species!

Yes many of us watch birds, but not enough, its a very healing break from the rest of whats going on.

I have a great white owl as well, I was standing at the corner of my house and it
came flying down the opposite side and went by 2 feet from my head almost completely silently.

I have a lot of metallic blue, blue birds, very shy.

And a ground thrush that prefers running to flight, and he is crazy as a loon, and now has a mate who makes him wait on her, she rejects half the berries he brings her to humiliate him, as she hides under a bush, its hilarious to watch.

Yes. Some birds can have great personalities. My main reason for asking was that in a recent episode of CSI Miami. Horatio and the gang were about to storm someones house, and I distinctly heard a Chaffinch.(A gregarious British bird) singing in the garden outside. It's common practice nowadays to dub birdsong to give a bit of atmosphere to a scene, and I've heard several different familiar bird songs in the past!
ha ha ha

I watch birds to forget the world of CSI, see enough on news.:eek:

my chipmunk is now coming out and looking for me when i whistle,
she eats some of the finest organic nuts in the world, wish i could afford same for me :)