Anti-spyware choices for XP Pro?

I'm looking at these right now:
Spybot: Search & Destroy 2.4
Others not specifically anti-spyware (but close enough):
Malwarebytes Free
Junkware Removal Tool
That's about all I could find for XP. Which ones do I need, or should I have something not listed?
I use Superantispyware in ADDITION to Malwarebytes, as the former removes adware tracking cookies, and whilst they are usually considered not harmful, one site which I use regularly, unfortunately, downloads them by the thousands, and I do not want them consuming my bandwidth and BB data allowance.

Also use spybot 'Antibeacon', but on W10 not XP.
every now and again I run adwcleaner, version 6, and the junkware removal tool JRT, and then just my AV, (360TSE), and malwarebytes free.
I use Superantispyware in ADDITION to Malwarebytes, as the former removes adware tracking cookies, and whilst they are usually considered not harmful, one site which I use regularly, unfortunately, downloads them by the thousands, and I do not want them consuming my bandwidth and BB data allowance.

Also use spybot 'Antibeacon', but on W10 not XP.

I'm not 100% sure but I think Bleachbit, FlushFlash, Cookienator, and Ad Muncher does this for least I think the four are doing it. Not sure just how i would find out if they are missing any tracking cookies.
every now and again I run adwcleaner, version 6, and the junkware removal tool JRT, and then just my AV, (360TSE), and malwarebytes free.

I decided to take your advice in the other thread, and installed Malwarebytes from your link. I had heard it was difficult to deal with, but not so for me. Full scan turned up three malwares (what it calls PUPs). Never did figure out how to see just exactly what they were, but did manage to quarantine and delete.

Which Adwcleaner are you using...the one from 'Xplode' or the one from 'Malwarebytes'?
when you ask for details there is on the bottom a place to click for a text file, see below: you would click on save results , that will give the full address of the item.

download from above, it is version 6 that I use, since the later ones do not work on xp.
when you ask for details there is on the bottom a place to click for a text file, see below: you would click on save results , that will give the full address of the item.

download from above, it is version 6 that I use, since the later ones do not work on xp.

Yes I saw this, but it does not tell me anything useful, like the actual name of the malware...and I did click on the 'save results', and some popup said something about save to notepad. I clicked on it but nothing happened, and never did find 'notepad'. Anyway, the three are gone now. Guess if it turns out to be something I wanted I can always download again. I'll check out the link tomorrow; time for bed.
NOTEPAD: when something says save to notepad, what that means is that the item that you want saved has been placed in clipboard (copy) and you can now paste into notepad. then you can save the report.
if it is a PUP that is not malware that is a potentially unwanted program that according to their list is a bad program, if you decide to keep the program then just remove the check mark.

how to get to notepad:

start / all programs / accessories / notepad
NOTEPAD: when something says save to notepad, what that means is that the item that you want saved has been placed in clipboard (copy) and you can now paste into notepad. then you can save the report.
if it is a PUP that is not malware that is a potentially unwanted program that according to their list is a bad program, if you decide to keep the program then just remove the check mark.

how to get to notepad:

start / all programs / accessories / notepad

I have no idea whether that report actually got saved or not to notepad, but I try to see tomorrow.
I'm looking at these right now:
Spybot: Search & Destroy 2.4
Others not specifically anti-spyware (but close enough):
Malwarebytes Free
Junkware Removal Tool
That's about all I could find for XP. Which ones do I need, or should I have something not listed?
I Am Setting Up An Old Windows XP Machine That Use To Be On A Domain I''m Thinking About Re-Installing Windows XP Then Reconnect To Domain Any Suggestions On Security?
1. do not use IE
2. install 360 total security by qihoo
3. install malwarebytes free
4. install firefox 52.4 ESR

scan often and surf responsibly, not much else you can do. :)
I Am Setting Up An Old Windows XP Machine That Use To Be On A Domain I''m Thinking About Re-Installing Windows XP Then Reconnect To Domain Any Suggestions On Security?

I would add a hardware firewall having NAT & SPI. An Edgerouter Lite if you can handle it, otherwise a Cisco I guess. I was careful not to let my PC anywhere near the internet until I had my Microtik firewall up and running. I would credit it with why I was able to download all the apps I did, with only three PUPs (which Malwarebytes quickly sent packing).
SpywareBlaster (freeware).
Superantispyware Free version. I don't like any spyware or virus software to run automatically.
I only scan suspicious downloads and occasionally do a C:/ scan.
A good hosts file to block known bad domains.
All I ever find with anti-spyware is tracking cookies.
A good hosts file to block known bad domains.
Host Administrator is freeware that I use to ad popup web pages to the hosts file.
Example: =
If you have XP 32 bit you may want to try out Malwarebytes anti-exploit.
SpywareBlaster (freeware).
Superantispyware Free version. I don't like any spyware or virus software to run automatically.
I only scan suspicious downloads and occasionally do a C:/ scan.
A good hosts file to block known bad domains.
All I ever find with anti-spyware is tracking cookies.
A good hosts file to block known bad domains.
Host Administrator is freeware that I use to ad popup web pages to the hosts file.
Example: =
If you have XP 32 bit you may want to try out Malwarebytes anti-exploit.

Okay so I now have in place Malwarebytes Free, and Adwcleaner, and quite happy with both. Have not been able to track down which version of Malwarebytes Anti-exploit works on XP (I know one of them doesn't). I could be wrong (correct me if so) but i think SpywareBlaster is mostly to shield IE, which I intend to uninstall, so not sure if I need it or not. I'd like to get Superantispyware, but cannot seem to track down the free version download...every time I try for it I get switched to the paid one. I have studied the hell out of host file, software like HostExpert, etc., and I am just not making any progress. I think this is an advanced topic that is out of my league for now. Kinda like Sandboxie, VirtualBox, and so on.
Okay so I now have in place Malwarebytes Free, and Adwcleaner, and quite happy with both. Have not been able to track down which version of Malwarebytes Anti-exploit works on XP (I know one of them doesn't). I could be wrong (correct me if so) but i think SpywareBlaster is mostly to shield IE, which I intend to uninstall, so not sure if I need it or not. I'd like to get Superantispyware, but cannot seem to track down the free version download...every time I try for it I get switched to the paid one. I have studied the hell out of host file, software like HostExpert, etc., and I am just not making any progress. I think this is an advanced topic that is out of my league for now. Kinda like Sandboxie, VirtualBox, and so on.

Malwarebytes Free is just fine. With it you don't need Superantispyware. I also always use SpywareBlaster as it doesn't use any resources. It has protection for 17,777 items.
SpywareBlaster provides protection for Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox + more.
Malwarebytes Anti-exploit doesn't work for me on XP 64. I use it on XP 32bit. Version / December 6, 2017 Fixed issues with opening of applications on Windows XP. The hosts file can easily be modified with the freeware program HostsMan. Try Hostman and update your hosts file with MVPS HOSTS and the Malware Domain List entries. It's better to block the bad guys before they attack. Spywareblaster works this way also.
A hosts file can make all those annoying ads go away.