Alt+Ctrl+Del not working for logon .... IT experts please help

Hello IT gentlemen/ladies.

I am a Mechanical Engineer working offsite, with minimal IT background. I work offsite and do not have proper access to IT department of my company(or, in this case, I dont want to bother IT department)

So, here is the issue: On the other day I spill glass of water on my work HP Elitebook. Keyboard was covered with water. Laptop was OFF at the time. So, I took out battery, left it to dry for 3 days with a fan and very low heat(far away - warm only) air under supervision. I also lifted the keypad to dry within, although I didnt notice much water. I also removed the hard disc to dry on the lower side......3 days to dry and today i put back battery, the keyboard(was not disconnected, just lifted) and HD back in. I was extra careful in this disassembly/assembly process.

I booted the system. It started fine/normal but when it goes to Ctrl+Alt+Del, nothing happens, so cant put my login info to start. Basically computer acts as if I didnt press ctrl+alt+del at all.
Main mouse of laptop work, as well as the little mouse in middle of keys on keypad.
I tried safe mode, same thing. I tried another keyboard as USB attachment, same thing.
Even the laptop keys seem fine as up-down keys work(went to safe mode with F8), etc

I am badly stuck. Cant call IT folks because I work remotely and also dont want to disclose the water story. PLEASE help ASAP if possible. Has this got anything to do with removing and putting back the Hard drive.