After a SP3 repair I can't connect to the internet problem.

Hi, 3 days ago I was uploading some pics. At some point the pc just froze (its an old Dell GX280), I panicked and turned it off manually by holding the power button. After that the pc was totally messed up, I was in a constant booting loop. I had my XP SP3 disc in hand and proceeded to attempt a windows installation repair with it. I manage to get everything back with no problem, but now I can't seem to be able to connect to the internet at all, even though it's showing a good connection. Please help :(
go to control panel, double click on internet connections, right click and choose repair, post back with any error if you receive one.
Thanks for your kind reply.

I have tried that with little success. It shows the repairing process, and the status as connected but no actual connection takes place. Also, I've tried different browsers,updating antivirus sofware and that sort of thing, all unable to connect.

When trying to update MSE for example, I get the Error code: 0x8024402c ("SE couldn't install the definition updates because the proxy server or target server names can't be resolved")

Internet Explorer shows Error Signature AppName: iexplorer.exe, ModName: urlmon.dll, Offset: 00003e5f, among other numeric stuff.

I'm using a wired connection directly to the modem, and connection to other devices is good, so no prob there.

I should mention that after the windows installation repair, the pc did around 114 windows updates, I guess it was about the last time that it was able to connect to the internet too.
Do not accept hardware updates from microsoft under the optional heading, ever. :)

I need the Make, Model and model number of your pc so I can find out what the correct ethernet adaptor should be,

if you go to the skydrive account below, you can download the urlmon.dll for your system and save it to a flash drive then carry to your pc and install it on your pc, it it asks to overwrite, then say yes,

You should also run checkdisk, go to start, run, type in cmd

in cmd type in chkdsk c: /r press enter

type y for yes press enter

type exit and press enter, then restart pc, allow checkdisk to finish which could take a couple of hours, depending on defragmentation, size of harddrive, etc.

you should run checkdisk at least 2 times.
Do not accept hardware updates from microsoft under the optional heading, ever. :)

I need the Make, Model and model number of your pc so I can find out what the correct ethernet adaptor should be,

if you go to the skydrive account below, you can download the urlmon.dll for your system and save it to a flash drive then carry to your pc and install it on your pc, it it asks to overwrite, then say yes,

You should also run checkdisk, go to start, run, type in cmd

in cmd type in chkdsk c: /r press enter

type y for yes press enter

type exit and press enter, then restart pc, allow checkdisk to finish which could take a couple of hours, depending on defragmentation, size of harddrive, etc.

you should run checkdisk at least 2 times.

Hmmm, the updates were automatic unfortunately :( .

The PC is a Dell GX280 model,

model # (is either one, not quite sure): KUA-00056 ,or 00042-362--087-847. And its running Windows XP Home Edition Refurbished PC's JOY Systems SP3.

I proceeded to download urlmon.dll and tried to overwrite it, but it keeps coming back with "Error moving file. Cannot move url: A file with the name you specified already exist.Specify a different file name."

The actual file that I was trying to overwrite its showing as "urlmon(4).dll", not sure if that is normal or not.

I also ran checkdisk two times, but again, there is no change regarding the internet connection issue.
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forgot to include the link,!311

You might try to do it in safe mode as it is a necessary file and WFP will not let you move it, you can rename it urlmon.old and then install the copy

what wfp does is behind the scenes will quietly replace the copy from the dll cache

if you do a search of your pc, you will find it in several places, you can view the event by going to admin tools, event viewer, look through system and applications directories as they have the most stuff, in fact it would be a good idea to clear the events so you can get an idea as to what is happening now.

to clear, highlight a directory in the left hand pane and choose clear all entries, you will be prompted to save a txt file that is your choice

If you had automatic then you need not worry, automatic will only install high priority items, not optional, but you should go to microsoft updates and do a custom scan, if any high priority items need installing do so, then look under optional and install any Rootkit updates available.

Do not download drivers from any of the web sites always get them from the manufacturers website, or from someone's skydrive, like mine or Jose's, our files are taken directly off our pc's and uploaded, therefore are original copies of windows files. :)

make dell
model gx or optiplex
model number 280

I will submit this now and go look for your driver,

above link is the dell drivers and downloads first page, if you go here on a working pc, and input your express code number (service tag) it will give you the drivers specific to your pc, the express service code is on the side or back of the tower, or on the bottom if a laptop, but I will go and get a driver for optiplex's,

this page lists 20 for the optiplex, I would install the first one (recommended)

download drivers one at a time singly, do not use download manager , save to a flash drive and then install, overwriting if one already exists.

this link is where you can view or download your manual, it is a pdf file so you will need adobe reader installed or foxit or any reader that will read pdf files.

if you look at page 165 or so you will see diagnostic lights which are on the back of your tower, will help troubleshoot pc issues.

if all four lights are not green then there is a problem

where you plug your ethernet cable into pc should have a green light also.

post back with results