administrator lock no password new secondhand pc

I have brought a desktop for my sons first computer . It is running windows XP 32bit . I has an Administrators lock and I don't have the password. This is the early version that does not have system restore option when starting up, if your quick you can get into the special menu (sorry don't know the correct name for this ) I think the only way to fix this is to do a recovery or a system restore to factory settings. Does any one know a site to download the software ?
Any help will be appreciated.
need the make, model and model number of pc, then I can look for the manual which will tell where a pin is located that you can pull out and then that should bypass the password,

BUT, if you just bought a pc, it should not have a password!!!
Is Home Made

Thanks Elizabeth .....The desktop was made in 2008, we brought it in April 2016. it is a home made one. is running a Asus P5Q VM mother board and a Intel core 2 duo processor. Is that enough info for you ?
I have already tried the 'clean' pin reversal.....affect ...wet to BIOS menu on start up .....I didn't know what to do so selected option 2 'return to factory settings' change to Administrator password .

I brought this PC from a car salesman......he didn't care what trouble he was passing on.......some people just don't care!!!
Before you wipe the drive, pull the hard drive and attach it to a USB drive bridge like this:

Attach the drive to another Windows computer, then run Magic Jelly Been to extract the product keys you will need to reinstall Windows XP:

The jumper on the motherboard will reset/clear the BIOS password not the Windows XP password.

Google "Windows XP iso" to find media for a Windows XP install disk. With the ISO file you can burn an XP install disk.
Thanks Elizabeth...
I watched a you tub video on a linix program that removes the administrators password and there was a link to a web site to download the software....but the video was old and the web site was no longer there to down load from. I think that that linix one would work for me......anyone know where to download a program to remove the Administrators password.....I don't know if the administrators lock will let me reinstall windows as it wont let me add software for a WiFi card , connect to the internet ( I have another pc that does ), can not change any settings.
Also pulled the coin sized battery out from the mother board for 1 hour...... still Administrator password locked.

The last time I did that to revive a PC with BIOS error, it did nothing. Only when I did that + took out the RAM memory sticks from the system board and shuffled them around did the BIOS actually reset...
Thanks aoresteen,
wiping the hard drive does not bother me as( maybe due to my ignorance ) it is a just purchased secondhand pc and has no data of owes on it. The usb bridge you mentioned does not seam compatible with windows xp........I think..........I need a linux program that removes passwords .....that I think will work in this situation .
Thanks aoresteen,
wiping the hard drive does not bother me as( maybe due to my ignorance ) it is a just purchased secondhand pc and has no data of owes on it. The usb bridge you mentioned does not seam compatible with windows xp........I think..........I need a linux program that removes passwords .....that I think will work in this situation .

The USB will work with XP. I just used one yesterday on my XP machine to set up a hard drive for DOS & Win98SE. Been using one for years.

The reason you want to do this is to get the Windows XP install key so that when you do re-install XP you can reuse the license key.
I don't think you guys understand what I want to do. I have windows 8 I want to install on my pc that is currently running xp. I put the windows 8 disc in the disc drive and a pop up said you need the administrator password to do this, that I don't have. I am unable to change any settings. I want to run windows 8 not Linux. I heard there is a Linux based program that goes into windows that can remove the administrators password. Any help will be appreciated
you can wipe any disk by plugging it into a working pc as a usb drive, choose the drive and wipe it, wiping a drive will wipe the whole drive,.

linux will do this as it runs from the usb, and you can open it to run linux without installing, you can use linux to locate drive and wipe it.

HOWEVER, most pc's running xp will now run later os's without major hardware replacement
I'm very confused. Since when did anyone need a password to install a new version of Windows? Unless you mean you tried to install Windows 8 AFTER booting up XP... In that case, have you tried to boot from the install disc instead of the hard drive that contains password-protected XP? Usually on a laptop, you press [F12] to boot from optical drive or USB before Windows has even begun loading. Could be a different key on a desktop that gets the boot options to show up...
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Thanks guys big time
Changed the boot configuration order and now am running 64 bit windows 8.1 pro.
Big thanks to all....
Aussie Bob over and out.