A Mod to my MS XP TABLET PC EDITION 2005, V2002 software

This XP version features a 'Tablet Input Panel' icon just to the L of the taskbar's 'info panel'. When I accidentally tap that icon, an ~ 1.5"-high script bar pops up and helter skelter blasts my on-screen icons into chaos. I don't want/use that feature, so I want that icon outa there, but it's persistent; what I've tried has been unable to disappear it / kill the on-screen text input panel feature. Can someone fix this?
1. go to add/remove and remove the program associated with this icon
2. go to start/allprograms/startup/xxxxx/and right click/delete
3. go to start/run/type in msconfig , choose startup tab, uncheck the box for that program, if you are not sure, right click on icon and see if there is a properties choice, choose it and click on "target" then you can find out what program is using this icon.
...Found the icon: C/prog.files/comm. files/MS shared/ink/tabtip
With that icon open for view at the above, I have the option to delete it, and I'll gladly do that, BUT, does that also lurk somewhere in the 'history' of this box, so might it reappear again and again?

This icon is listed as an Application, not as a shortcut; it's size is 265 KB

It's purpose: "Tablet PC Input Panel is an interface that converts handwriting to text in Windows" which is not something that I care about.
Since you've been gone, I:
deleted the 'tabtip' application from within that ink folder.
Result: the icon is still there; I guess It's now an orphan; I can tap on it and nothing happens. I like that.
Can I find and delete MS icons? I'm going to find out....

Again, thanks for your help. Hatboro
Not sure how to answer your first Q, :"what does msconfig show on this icon/program is the box unchecked"

What I can say is within the registry, there are several instances of: tabtip and several of tabtip.exe .
So yes, tabtip remnants are in the registry. The desktop icon....'Tablet PC Input Panel'.....that's now an orphan that was directly linked to tabtip.

When I L-clk that icon, nothing happens. When I R-clk it, the response is the same as a clk on any empty area of the tool bar-I get the 'Toolbars --Show the Desktop---Lock the Taskbar - Properties' pop-up.
delete all the tabtip entries, you can export them to your desktop in case you want to put them back later.

go to start/run/type in msconfig , this will open a dialog box with several tabs, choose the startup tab, and there you will see everything that is starting up. along the left side of the startup tab, there are boxes to check or uncheck to allow something to startup.

is that any clearer?

also in my public files on onedrive is a pdf file on Tablet PC for dummies, you can download it and see if there are any items in there of interest to you, :)
Lots going on the past 2 days related to the M280E, please see the attachment, I hope it's understandable.

Best wishes for a good Easter / Passover weekend,


  • To XPForums-#2.zip
    4.1 KB · Views: 269
tabtip.exe [ ICON !] C\Program Files\Common Files\Microsodt Shared\Ink\

tabtipps.dll C\Program Files\Common Files\Microsodt Shared\Ink\

tabtip.exe [ ICON !] C\Program Files\ntservicepackuninstall\

tabtipps.dll C\Program Files\ntservicepackuninstall\



TABTIP.EXE-2CD73413.pf C\WINDOWS\Prefetch\

TabTip.exe.d009f891.ini.inuse C\Docs and Settings\Admin\LocalSettings\Appli Data\AppliHstory\

TabTip.exe.d009f891.ini.inuse C\Docs and Settings\Deflt User\Lcl Settings\Appli Data\AppliHistory\

TabTip.exe.d009f891.ini.inuse C\Documents and Settings\Leo\Lcl Settings\Appli Data\AppliHistory\

TabTip.exe.d009f891.ini.inuse C\WINDOWS\system32\sysprofile\Lcl Settings\Appli Data\AppliHistory\

all of the above can be deleted





above are a couple of sites with info on using process explorer

when I delete an item from the registry, I generally know that I do not want it, I suggested you export the item to your desktop, then delete from registry, then play with your pc, if no problems then delete the item from your desktop and go to the next registry entry.

revo uninstaller will delete the registry entries if you choose this option, process explorer is just that , an explorer, helpful but you have to know a few basics, :)

IN the Registry, There are just 2 TabTip 'listings''

you do not have to delete the entire folder, you can delete just the data on the right hand side, or just the single key on the left hand side

safe mode is available by restarting and immediately when the pc starts back up, start tapping F8, this brings up the advanced menu with several listings, use the arrows on the keyboard to move selection up or down and choose safe mode, then press enter


hope the above clarifies for you :)
reply 2:

How to tell if TabTip.exe (Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel) was uninstalled cleanly
After uninstalling, restart your computer. Then start Windows Explorer and see if there is still a folder with the name of the software under C:\Program Files. Be sure to check the Registry as well for remnants of Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel. To do this, start "Regedit", then look under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" > "Software" for Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel or the name of the producer.
The text-panel popup is gone / desktop icons are happy,no ill effects from the Registry surgery; thank you very much.Tiny toolbar icon is still there / doesn't do anything. I'd like it gone and I can live W it. Just did a fresh Registry search, there are no new tabtip's, that's good.

Ready for another challenge? I use Apache Open Office on both this XP box and my Win-10 box. On the 10-box, spell check works fine, but not with XP; here, spell-check underlines every lower-case word, suggesting all are mis-spelled - not helpful. I am running the same V on both, 4.1.6 . I tried a dictionary-transplant from the 10-box into the XP. That made no difference. As far as I can tell, my settings are the same on both machines. My guess is that V 4.6.1 doesn't like running on XP. Do y'all know of a fix for this? I am considering a version rollback in the hope of finding a version that fully supports XP.

right click on open space of taskbar, choose toolbars, if there is a checkmark by any you do not want then click on item to remove checkmark, this should take care of the toolbar icon.

I do not use apache open office, you should open another post and insure the words apache open office are in the title, I still use office 2003 :)
The icon lives in it's own zone at the R side of the taskbar. Unlocked, that zone can be stretched to the L, but nothing but the icon can be in there. When locked, it's tight against the " what's running + clock" zone.
I did a system-wide search for "tablet" and found nothing familiar.
If I search for "tablet pc input panel" or tablet pc input, I get no results.
I searched for " tablet pc" and I get hits but no obvious links to icons.

RE Open Office, I'll start with a fresh post. Thanks.....