A faster way to check if an HDD is bad

Hello everyone,

I'm having an issue. I have 2 4TB external Hard drives. One is a WD Mypassport and the other is a WD GameDrive. The purpose was the they have the exact same data. The passport drive is working fine. But I'm having problems that data is being corrupted when copying it to the Gamedrive. I checked the smart data of the gamedrive and it appears to be fine. But I didn't run check disk because it takes way to long. Is there a utility that has the same function as chkdsk /r but that is faster ? I just want to know if the game drive is busted or not. I also have Windows 7 so the tool doesn't have to be Windows XP exclusive. I also tried using Acronis Boot disk and clone them and I still found some data corrupted on the gamedrive.
I don't know of any "fast" disk checking program. I've used a Partition Wizard surface scan before. It's about as fast as a check disk, but it seems to detect issues better.
Sigh I just didn't want to leave the computer on for 24 hours or more to scan it. That's the disadvantage of having big HDDs everything takes so long. Does Partition Wizard identify bad sectors in the free version?
Fastest way I check a drive is boot up parted magic on the ultimate boot cd. Then I run the smart short test on the drive. If it passes, I run the long, which may take hours (good to run overnight), but if it passes the drive is good. It doesn't touch the data too so that's a good thing as well.