360 Browser

I installed 360 browser on my computer and it works very well!!!
It still supports SSE and SSE2.
This is the link to download and install it on your computer!

There is a new version of this browser titled "13.5" and it seems like the UI was redesigned with the XP style in mind, which I absolutely adore. 85% of it has been translated to English, though the debugger is still in Chinese so have a translator ready. 99% of websites work 100% fine, some can be a little slow but that's okay.

The biggest problem you're going to run into is the freezing. Sometimes it takes 10 seconds, sometimes it takes 5 minutes, sometimes you have to restart the computer because it gets permanently stuck. There are also rare occurances where the browser will crash on it's own with a "send error report" message, but it's no biggie because you can reopen all your tabs.

Overall this browser is near-flawless! XP-browsing has been saved (for the time being anyway)
You should use 'DuckDuckGo' search instead of 'Big Brother Google'

'FF 52.9.0 Portable'


Notice: "no tabs" (till you open a second tab)
I decided to give this browser a try.

Rather than download the link the OP posted which is for an older version (7) I downloaded the most recent 13.0.2250.0 which is supposedly based on Chromium 86. it has a lot of features including built-in adblocker.


Unfortunately it suffers from the same problem affecting all XP based Chromium browsers. It can't connect to any HTTPS sites due to XP's expired root certificates.


You will be limited to non-HTTPS sites.

Youtube loads but doesn't work properlly. Just a bunch of grey squares with no thumbnail previews.


Clicking on a video results in a spinning circle but video never plays.


No, Bitchute doesn't work either. whatismybrowser.com doesn't render properly.

This confirms that the only options for proper web browsing for Windows XP are Roytam's Mozilla browsers which we are all familiar with. Hopefully, Feodor, former MyPal/Centaury maintainer will be able to port Mozilla's Quantum engine to Windows XP in the near future.

Here is the link for maintainer of 360 Extreme Explorer's sub-forum which has more information and download links for those of you who want to try it yourselves.

After further testing I discovered that in order for 360 browser to function properly it requires the unofficial Service Pack 4 AND the Post SP4 Update Pack. I already had SP4 but not the Update Pack.

You can download SP4 + SP4 Update Pack from here:


The Update Pack apparently updates root certificates as well as certain XP system files that enable 360 Browser to function properly.

Here is 360 Browser after applying the above mentioned updates..

Youtube now works perfectly - thumbnail previews, playback, even hovering over videos plays.


Bitchute still doesn't work. I'm not a fan but I know some people here are.



Amazon, which normally runs slowly for me and occasionally freezes with all XP Mozilla browsers is quick and responsive.


Skype for Web, previously unavailable in any XP browser works in 360 Extreme.


Zoom for web wouldn't work with video, only audio but I think Zoom still makes a desktop client for XP.

All in all this browser looks very promising. I would still get certificate errors with some sites but looks like 360 Extreme Explorer is a viable alternative to Mozilla browser in XP. I'll keep testing and compare which sites work better than Mozilla browsers.

Download it for yourself and compare - just remember the requirements at the top of this post.